Good software for running multiple accounts at once

Bill Clinton

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

I've recently got a few new accounts which I'm using for travelers gifts, farming strength of snow, or leeching dungeons etc..

Obviously this causes some real slowdowns on my rig, I was wondering if anyone had some advice on how to reduce this? (I already minimized my graphics settings, of course)

I tried priority master and that did help a little, but not much. Is there anything else out there usefull for this?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

More RAM, faster/bigger cpu, faster/bigger video card.

Keep in mind that you are running multiple copies of the program and each one requires it's own resources or has to share common resources.

Bill Clinton

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

Originally Posted by Quaker View Post
More RAM, faster/bigger cpu, faster/bigger video card.

Keep in mind that you are running multiple copies of the program and each one requires it's own resources or has to share common resources.
Thanks for the help, but I was asking for any software ideas.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


GwMulti Launch

Bill Clinton

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

Originally Posted by Hey_homies View Post
I was wondering how long it would take someone to reply after reading just the title and not the post. Thanks anyway, though!



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

Originally Posted by Bill Clinton View Post
I was wondering how long it would take someone to reply after reading just the title and not the post. Thanks anyway, though!
So, what the hell is it you want anyway? I assumed from your post that you already had software to run the multiple instances of GW. I can't think of any "software" that's going to let you run them any better.

You'd get better replies by explaining what you want better and by not being so snarky.

Bill Clinton

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

Originally Posted by Quaker View Post
So, what the hell is it you want anyway? I assumed from your post that you already had software to run the multiple instances of GW. I can't think of any "software" that's going to let you run them any better.

You'd get better replies by explaining what you want better and by not being so snarky.
My original post is pretty self explanatory, does anyone have any advice that would help reduce system lag when running multiple accounts at once. I didnt mean to sound snarky, either. But you clearly didnt read my opening statement. Sorry to have confused you, buddy.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

Originally Posted by Bill Clinton View Post
Obviously this causes some real slowdowns on my rig, I was wondering if anyone had some advice on how to reduce this?
You didn't specifically say you wanted software, although you did mention that you tried software.
So, I did read and understand your original post - sorry if you are confusing, buddy.
My original suggestions still stand (unless you already have 16G of RAM, an i7 cpu and an HD5870)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



You could always try using the command line options in GW itself if you have not done so already. By that I mean you force the duplicate instances to load with severely reduced graphics and turn off the sound. For example, you may try any and/or all of the following:

-fps(low number here)

These switches can further reduce the resources beyond the options available in the options menu.

drunk n angry

drunk n angry

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2009

in a quiet little town that i love.

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what programs are good to use in the new 64 bit windows 7?

i farm baddies

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2009

am i the only one seeing that you want to reduce your system lag, however you want SOFTWARE which uses the same system resources you are using to power the multiple copies of guild wars. sorry to say but im thinking you are computer illiterate, meaning the only real change you will see in system lag is upgrading your pc.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

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Let's keep the infighting to a miimum, shall we?

@drunk n angry: use GWML - it works just as well on Windows 7 x64 as it does on both Vistas and XPs.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


Dragons of Winter Nights


sorry to have to say, but its not a matter of software. its a matter of hardware in this case.

you have to have a system that would be able to handle both accounts running at once a video card that could support that amount of stuff (assuming you are dual screening it) and GW should be installed on two physically different drives.

a 3.0ghz multicore processor with min 3gb ram and a slightly higher end video card (wouldnt need to be absolute top of the line, but no shared ram embedded video... gotta be dedicated) would be what you are after.

the software just allows you to run two instances at once... weather your system can actually do that or not is a completely different issue.

Bill Clinton

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

Just posting to say that I found the software I needed. Something called Process Explorer allows me to completely suspend the windows of guild wars that I choose, while still stopping them from disconnecting from the server.
This way the other copies of guild wars have no impact on the character i'm using while still remaining connected to the server, which is exactly what I was looking for.

I guess i'm just posting this now to help anyone who wants to do the same thing because its very helpful (and shove it in the face of the people who had no idea how to help but felt like posting anyway).

Enjoy, all.