I have some good, and some bad, items in my storage. Its time for me to clean them out. I'll be updating this weekly, if I get any new items in.
Table of Contents:
i. Warrior [1 item]
ii. Ranger [3 items]
iii. Dervish [0 items]
iv. Monk [3 items]
v. Elementalist [2 items]
vi. Mesmer [1 item]
vii. Assassin [0 items]
viii. Ritulist [0 items]
ix. Necromancer [1 item]
x. Misc. [4 item]
Warrior [1 item]
Fiery Platnum Blade[GOLD] - 2k
~No upgrades/Inscription slot empty
Ranger [3 items]
Fiery Bowstring - 200g
Zealous Bowstring - 200g
Barbed Bowstring - 200g
Dervish [0 items]
Monk [3 items]
Byzzr's Benediction [GREEN] - 500g
Adept Zodiac Staff of Shelter - SOLD to KON K O N
Adept Zodiac Staff of Shelter
[In white text]
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance 20%)
Energy +10
Fire Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Divine Favor)
[In gold text]
ARMOR +7 (Vs. Physical dmg)
Inscription: "Seize the Day"
Energy +15
Energy Regeneration -1
Staff of the Forgotten [GREEN] - OFFER
Elementalist [2 items]
Snapjaw's Powerstone [GREEN] Energy Storage req 9 - OFFER
The Earthturner [GREEN] Earth Magic req 9 - OFFER
Mesmer [1 item]
[GOLD] Jeweled Chalice (Req 9 insp. Magic) - 2k
Armor +10 while hexed
Health +41 while enchanted
Assassin [0 items]
Ritulist [0 items]
Necromancer [1 item]
Morgriff's Scepter [GREEN] Req 9 Death Magic - OFFER
Misc. [4 items]
Insightful Staff Head (Energy + 5) - 1k
Eggnog (x7) - 150g/ea
Fruitcake (x3) - 150g/ea
Destroyer Core (x4) - 200g/ea
Catch me In-Game if you have questions/offers under the names:
Adeleine Cale
Gothic Kiyana Tai
Need Some Healing
Cleaning Out Storage