Hello Guru, once again, I'm running out of storage. Which is sad face...
but not for you!

I've got a range of tomes, minipets, weapons, MODS (oh the mods...), and miscellanious jargen (its so miscellanious you wont KNOW what to do with all the miscellaniousness)!
If you see something you like, BUY IT!
Add me to your friends list (IGN Death By An Arrow) and leave a post here, message me, do whatever you need to!
All sales are first come first serve, and you will have 3 days to pick up the item before i reopen it up to the public.
So check it on out down hurrrrrrr
Buy a wep, get a free minipet valued at 3k or less, ends Feb 21st @12am (midnight) EST
Featured Item!
Sword Pommel of Demonslaying, 20%
B/O 65k
q9 Axe -->Victo's Battle Axe 4k
15^50, 20/20, +30
q9 Tactics -->Wooden Buckler CLEAN inscrip. 1k (GREAT for heros!)
q9 Bow --> Skull Hornbow Inscrip. 5k
q10 Axe --> Morning Star Axe Inscrip. 12k
15^50, +29, Zealous
q9 Channeling -->Channeling Focus Inscrip. 1k (Great for heros or farm equipment!)
q9 Tactics --> Kappa Shield Inscrip 10k
+29hp, +9AL (piercing)
Mods (all max):
Pommel of Demonslaying 20% b/o 65k
(featured item)
1x Vampiric String @1k/ea
2x Grip of Defense @750g/ea
1x Crippling Snathe @ 1k/ea
1x Fiery Snath @ 1k/ea
1x Grip of Mastery (+1/20%) @750g/ea
1x Insightful Head @ 1k/ea
1x Adept Head @4k/ea
4x Wand Wrapping of Memory - 2k/ea
1x "I Have The Power!" - 1k/ea
2x "Strength and Honor" - 1k/ea
1x "Seize The Day" - 500g/ea
2x "Through Thick and Thin" - 2k/ea
1x "The Riddle of Steel" - 3k/ea
3x "Riders on the Storm" - 2k/ea
2x "Like a Rolling Stone" - 1k/ea
3x "Dance with Death" - 1k/ea
1x "Sheltered by Faith" - 2k/ea
1x "Run for Your Life!" - 1.5k/ea
1x "Have Faith" - 500g/ea
1x "Guided By Fate!" - 1.5k/ea
1x "Sleep Now in the Fire" - 2.5k
Temple Guardian 1k
Palawa Joko 2.5k
Desert Griffon 2k
Harpy Ranger 1k
Forest Minotaur 1k
Rurik 3k
Koss 2k
Mursatt 3k
Krait Neoss 3k
Varesh Ossa 10k
DEEEAALLL~~ Buy Any 2 1k valued Minipets and get a free 2k-3k mini!
2x Elite Paragon @ 5k/ea
1x Elite Assassin @ 3k/ea
1x Elite Mesmer @ 7k/ea
2x Elite Elementalist @ 7k/ea
1x Elite Assassin @ 3k/ea
1x Elite Dervish @ 6k/ea
0x Regular Warrior @ 400g/ea
7x Regular Mesmer @ 300g/ea
0x Regular Necromancer @ 600g/ea
2x Regular Elementalist @ 700g/ea
4x Regular Dervish @ 500g/ea
0x Regular Paragon @ 400g/ea
2x Regular Ranger @ 200g/ea
2x Regular Ritualist @700g/ea
2x Regular Monk @ 800g/ea
0x Regular Assassin @ 50g/ea
Title Points Jargen:
0x Creme Brulee @ 300g/ea
0x Flask of Firewater @ 300g/ea
44x Mysterious Tonic @ 700g/ea
Miscellanious Jargen:
3x Wood Stack @ 1.4k/ea
4x Bone Stack @ 1k/ea
3x Glitter Stack @ 4k/ea
1x Iron Stack @ 5k/ea
1x Feather Stack @ 10.5k/ea
10x Autamaton Summoning Stone @ 600g/ea