*********closed- Sold to highest bid*********
Gold Inscr q9 tactics Draconic Aegis of devotion
ar 16
Inscrip-Sheltered by faith -2 ench
S/B 15 ectos
c/o Da Tru Legend 15 Ectos
B/O Sold to Ritualist Of Fail
Happy bidding
Q9 Draconic Aegis tactics
If you make it +45/-2e or +30/-5^20 I'll take it for 18e
IGN: Natalia Roseheart
IGN: Natalia Roseheart
Ritualist of Fail
30e..... IGN Lord Have
Re-opened auction due to not being able to find rit in game or mesage him as his account is banned.
I'm selling as is so if you want it modded you'll have to mod it yourself, the mods are cheap enough.
happy bidding
I'm selling as is so if you want it modded you'll have to mod it yourself, the mods are cheap enough.
happy bidding
Da Tru Legend
s/b on it
IGN: Da Tru Legend
IGN: Da Tru Legend
bumping for more interest
Final bump before sale. Da Tru Legend is currently the highest bidder with 15 ectos. If anyone wants to bid more this is the last time to do so.