Xander's Shop - Take a Look
Xander The Survivor
Closed By Seller!
q9 Command Demonic Aegis: 10k
q9 Tactic Amethyst Aegis: 10k
I will B/O those 2, since apparently giving IGN out in the open apparently is considered a bad idea i will pm them to you
q9 Tactic Amethyst Aegis: 10k
I will B/O those 2, since apparently giving IGN out in the open apparently is considered a bad idea i will pm them to you
ill take all of your sweets and party items for @100g and @150g per point respectively
IGN Spirit of Grendel
IGN Spirit of Grendel
b/o both keersh staff
ign chaos planes
ign chaos planes
I'll B/O your Darkwing Defender if it's modable and inscriptable.
IGN: Lorundil Nelanare
IGN: Lorundil Nelanare
Valeria Elve
Trade Done.....
I take 5 primeval armor remnants
IGN Thamon Neverwinter
IGN Thamon Neverwinter
Greens all Greens are 2k
Arachni's Scythe
Staff of the Kinslayer
Staff of the Forgotten [Fire]
6K total
IGN Acton Blue or Bishop Oxford
Arachni's Scythe
Staff of the Kinslayer
Staff of the Forgotten [Fire]
6K total
IGN Acton Blue or Bishop Oxford
bid retracted- found ingame
Xander The Survivor
Lets Bring My Post Up
Xander The Survivor
Lets Bring Up My Post
Sweets: 100g ea Point
47 Fruitcake (will get more during winter event)
These + any more you have.
IGN: Curo Zan
47 Fruitcake (will get more during winter event)
These + any more you have.
IGN: Curo Zan
q9 Dadao Sword: 3k
q9 Tactic Gloom Shield: 3k
q9 Divine Platinum Wand: 4k
q9 Divine Onyx Scepter: 4k
The Thundermaw 2k
Rang Iku
q9 Tactic Gloom Shield: 3k
q9 Divine Platinum Wand: 4k
q9 Divine Onyx Scepter: 4k
The Thundermaw 2k
Rang Iku
ill take 2 primeval armor remnants
IGN: Kingg Ghost
IGN: Kingg Ghost
q13 Colossal Scimitar (perf caster): 5k
q13 Gemstone Aex (perf caster): 4k
ign: Hazard Dudu
q13 Gemstone Aex (perf caster): 4k
ign: Hazard Dudu
Xander The Survivor
Lets Bring My Post Up
q9 Serpentine Reaver: 5k
Victo's Battle Axe 2k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Victo's Battle Axe 2k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Darth Apokalypse
If the other one doesn't pick it up:
9 Serpentine Reaver: 5k
9 Serpentine Reaver: 5k
Didn't see the Grog earlier. I'll take that too please 
IGN as above

IGN as above
Xander The Survivor
Lets Bump My Post

Word of Madness
Siege Turtle
Jade Armor
IGN: My Memory Is Gone
Word of Madness
Siege Turtle
Jade Armor
IGN: My Memory Is Gone
q9 Fiery Blade Axe: 4k
IGN - Atheena Minerva
IGN - Atheena Minerva
1x Scythe Grip of Enchanting
Super fast response / trade in-game, Tyvm!
Super fast response / trade in-game, Tyvm!

Xander The Survivor
Lets Bring My Post Up!
15^50 500g
ign : Atheena Minerva
ign : Atheena Minerva
Xander The Survivor
Let's Bring My Post Up
mesmer tome 150g each, need 5 nao
ign thannis phaedalus
ign thannis phaedalus
Xander The Survivor
Let's Bring My Post Up
b/o - q9 Curses Accursed: 3k
ign: Fueled Omega
ign: Fueled Omega
Xander The Survivor
Post to Top!
Spear Grip of Enchanting: 4k
IGN: Alyra Songstorm
IGN: Alyra Songstorm
Xander The Survivor
Lets Bring My Post Up
q9 Legendary Sword: 6k NEW
btw where did you get the set up for this post? did you create it or pay someone?
btw where did you get the set up for this post? did you create it or pay someone?
Xander The Survivor
Originally Posted by Dont Cause Drama

btw where did you get the set up for this post? did you create it or pay someone?
-Drama I created it myself
-Drama I created it myself
q9 Golden Hammer: 5k NEW
IGN:Fall Foe
IGN:Fall Foe
Dragon Ranger X
1x Primeval Armor Remnants: 5k
IGN: Dragon Ranger X
IGN: Dragon Ranger X
Xander The Survivor
Lest Bring My Post Up
Aegis of Terror: 5k NEW
IGN Phylia Hent
IGN Phylia Hent
Range Fight
Ill buy 12 glacial stones.
IGN: Range Fight
IGN: Range Fight
Xander The Survivor
Lets Bring My Post Up