Festival Hats - 1 January 2010 We're aware of the reports that some players have not received hats in Kamadan, and our team is investigating. We apologize to those who did not receive the hats at the appointed time. So far most of the reports appear to be about Kamadan. If anyone did not receive a hat in Lion's Arch, our QA team would appreciate reports about that, as it would help with their investigation. (For me, personally, I was in Lion's Arch, and I did get a hat, but it's possible that others may not have received theirs.) The following info would really help our team:
We're sorry about the inconvenience and annoyance this is causing, and be assured that we are looking into it. Update 1 - 10:46 PST - 01 January 2010 The game has just been updated with the following bug fix:
Update 2 - 01 January 2010 We will be re-running the Wintersday event at a future date (TBA). We apologize to those who did not receive the festival hats at the previous distribution times, and for all the inconvenience caused by the bug. |
Lag and High Pings - 31 December 2009 We're aware that many players are experiencing increased lag and rubber banding issues. The high number of players in districts is causing increased load on server CPU, despite the efforts of the load balancers. There are a few things you can do on your end to try and improve play experience. First let me explain what's going on. Each district of a map is likely to be hosted on a different hardware server. Higher numbered districts are generally going to be newer instances of the map, and will be less likely to have accumulated whatever is slowing down the older/lower numbered districts. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you try different, preferably higher numbered districts, if you're experiencing rubber banding or high pings. We're also monitoring increased game client crashes, and investigating the issues. Our programmers suggest that trying different/higher number districts might help avoid client crashes. We'll continue to actively monitor the issues here and continue to take steps to address them. Thank you, and we apologize that some players' game experience has been impacted by these issues. Update - 31 December 2009 Two of our programmers have been taking a look at the situation and they've determined that the best way to try and resolve the lag, and disconnect issues is to do a new build. The new build will place everyone back into a properly-functioning server when they login. We expect this to happen within the hour. Because it is a holiday, and the offices are closed, you probably won't see the usual Game Update note on the web site. Due to the holiday, will be difficult to get the game update notes localized and turned around quickly, etc. When you log back in, we anticipate that players will have a more improved experience with regard to the lag, rubber-banding, and connectivity issues. However, we will continue to monitor the issues and address them as we can if the issues persist. Thanks so much for your understanding, and we apologize for the inconvenience this causes. |