PC on a bunch of goldies

Marcos The Evil One

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2009


Q12 Melon Hammer
Q13 Celestial Daggers
Q12 Golden Maul
Q11 Golden Phoenix Blade
Q9 Celestial Sword
Q12 Jade Sword
Q12 Bronze Crusher
Q9 Morning Star
Q11 command Iridescent Aegis
Q13 Clouded Maul
Q9 Tetsubo Hammer

Ofcourse they're all inscripable, and no i dont have any clue about the values of these items. So you could really help me out here. I got these items from the Zaishen Chest. I don't do PvE, that's why i dont have a clue.

Hope to hear something soon from you guys, thanks

Happy New Year + Best Wishes to you
