Looking for Casual, Mature Guild

Warsman Smile

Warsman Smile

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2009

Greetings, I am looking for a casual, smallish PvX or PvE guild in a friendly, active Alliance. Preferably Luxon but I won't say no to Kurzick.

I have a wife and a life, so sometimes I am only on for a few nights a week. Currently I have almost every evening free... which is great, isn't it?

I have all GW games and I am effective with all classes. I usually play in the region of 2pm-Midnight EST.

I'm friendly and helpful, as well as a good leader and follower. If you have any d-bags/a-holes in your guild, do not invite me unless you enjoy trouble. Be drama-free and we will get along just fine.

I'm currently playing with several potential guilds, so add me to your list and we can hook up for groups and see if it's a good fit.

IGN: Honor Guard Inoue