when one sign up to xunlai tournament house, what email address does ArenaNet use to send us a confirmation email?
Could someone please check their email and see what they receive from ArenaNet after register for the XTH ? I am trying to retrace all the link and email I got from ArenaNet.
Thanks a whole bunch in advance for any help.
thanks mathiastemplar, but I mean this
xunlai tournament house
pumpkin pie
It's your account name (e-mail) that is used for XTH.
That is a valid email address. It's the one my confirmation email was sent with, too.
pumpkin pie
thank you very much Earth.
Thank you too xron.
Thank you too xron.
Sorry I've had a scour of my emails but I must have deleted them all.
I'm 100% positive that is a legit email.
drunk n angry
yep that is who sent me mine too, however i thought XTH was perm. down? is it running again?
So did they re-activate XTH?
Neo Nugget
My original registration email was from: webmaster (at) guildwars (dot) com
Subsequent ones were from: xunlaitournament (at) guildwars (dot) com
Subsequent ones were from: xunlaitournament (at) guildwars (dot) com