3 Gold items i need a priz check on


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2009



Sundering Flamberge Of Swordmanship
Req 9 Damage + 15 % while above 50% hp Armor pen 20% 20% chance
Swordmanship +1 19% chance

Req 9 Received Phisical Damage - 5 20 % chance

Hale Ghostly Staff Of Warding
Req 12 Halve Skills of Recharge Spell 20% chance Energy + 10
Reduces Bleeding Duration 20% Stacking HP+ 27 Armor+7 vs Elemental Dam


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Depends a lot on in they're inscribable or not.

The r9 15^50 Flamberge:
- if inscribable, maybe 10-15k max.
- if inherent, maybe 15k+
Sorry - not too sure on their pricing

The Aegis:
- if it's not inscribable, then it's merch food. Single modded inherent shields just don't sell well at all, sorry.
- if it is inscribable, maybe 15k? That's for r9 Tactics. Wiki says they come in Strength, but I've only seen Tactics versions.
... actually, not too sure on Aegis pricing either. I know they can occasionally be found for 5k or less, but I don't know the high side.

The Ghostly Staff:
- merch food, I'm afraid. With those stats, it must be inherent. You didn't mention what attribute is the req 12, but pretty much r12 any attribute ghostly staff with inherent -bleeding is merch food.

Best guesses - hope it helps


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2009



k thx anyway