LFR Nightfall & Tyria HM Missions



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

In Spain, of course

Gamer Espa??ol[GE]


Hi all!

I am finishing with most titles, but i feel a bit lazy to do missions again for HM, so i am seeking service for Nightfall and Tyria missions that i have not done yet.

Nightfall HM missions left:

- Nundu Bay
- Pohgan's Passage
- Dzagonur Bastion
- Moddock Crevice
- Dasha Vestibule

Tyria HM missions left:

- D'alessio Seaboard
- Bloodstone fen
- Borlis Pass
- The Frost gate
- Thunderhead Keep
- Elona Reach
- Dunes of Despair
- Ring of fire
- The great northern wall
- Fort Ranik
- Nolany Academy

I play as a ranger and have heroes unlocked with all skills unlocked too, all towns and all that you could expect. And i play in GMT+1

If it's available i would want to afk in the missions, so please if so, put the afk price too (will probably take it everywhere).

Of course, bonus included apart from Nolani, where i have done it before.

You can reach me here posting, by pm or ingame at:

Ragnagard Alcarin

Thanks for reading


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

I can run some if not a lot of these. pm me
IGN: Titan of Fire



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Artic Marauders [TAM]


PM me IGN I AM A Runner i can do some afk but some u gota play