Everything is B/O only.
Sweet Tooth @ 150g ea
70 Fruit Cakes
27 Slices of Pumpkin Pie
38 Jars of Honey
= Sold
224 Trick-or-treat bags - sold
124 Snowman summoners - 24k
lvl 1 alcohol @ 100g ea
67 Eggnogs
13 Shamrock Ales
8 Bottles of Rice Wine
28 Hard Apple Cider
-11.6kfor everything
lvl 5 alcohol @ 300g ea
13 Spiked eggnogs
57 aged hunter's ales
- 21k total
Mini's - All unded
2 Whiptail Devourers -500g ea
1 Jade Armor - 500g ea
1 Jungle Troll - 500g ea
1 Siege turtle - 500g ea
1 Aatxe's - 3k ea
1 Harpy Ranger - 2k ea
Some r8 shields.


IGN = Teenage Lobodomy
You can reach me in game but your best bet would be to post on this topic or to pm me on forums.