[B]q7 gold noninscr fds
dmg+12% stance
c/o 25e & b/o 30e
500 peppermint cc's
everlasting crate of fireworks
b/o 25e
Unded Beast of Arrrgh
b/o 15e
leave offers here please
preferably cash and ectos
ign peter situ
EDITED by Sierraa Removed Low-end items We would like to remind you that the Buy Section is for buying only, the Sell Section is for Selling item with a value below 100K, and the High End section is for selling items or "packages" each with a value above 100K.
q7 fds, peppermint cc, e. crate, eternal shield
teh bestest is here
100k fds... pm me ingame to sell
Skeletor Il
100k + 2e on fds
25k on eternal
IGN: Skeletor Il
25k on eternal
IGN: Skeletor Il
bump bump bump
will sell soon, once i get home from work
will sell soon, once i get home from work
ms magic
30k on eternal pls
teh bestest is here
+5 on the fds
*comments removed by moderator*
EDITED by Engage for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-Bid/Hijacking
Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post.
If you wish to sell items of your own, make a new thread or place them in the appropriate currently active thread.
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by Engage for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-Bid/Hijacking
Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post.
If you wish to sell items of your own, make a new thread or place them in the appropriate currently active thread.
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Sir Popel A Lot
25e on the fds
100K on cc's
IGN:Hakumi Kalina
IGN:Hakumi Kalina
added b/o, will be selling whenever i see you online
added b/o, will be selling whenever i see you online