Next Tanking Proffession
Daft Shifty
Blah blah unoriginal SF nerf impending reason. Point: Which class will be next to feed our need for tank and spank?
Imo, D/E SFaura,VoS, and random damage reducing enchants. For areas with a MT like DoA.. FoW etc.
Or back to ye olde terra.
Or whatever newshit the update brings
Imo, D/E SFaura,VoS, and random damage reducing enchants. For areas with a MT like DoA.. FoW etc.
Or back to ye olde terra.
Or whatever newshit the update brings
D/E SF aura? Searing Flames or Staggering Force? O.o
Mesmer in Need
Maybe people will use warriors and actually hit stuff with their weapons.
Obsidian flesh.
Turk The Legendary
Originally Posted by impulsion
Obsidian flesh.
This shouldnt even be a topic seeing as there are about 1000000 others on the exact same thing....
well i won't say anything about the "Perma Paragon" oh wait...oops.
Agree , OF is the best option , with consumables is even better.
Kerwyn Nasilan
Or the community could man up and stop using tanks....but that's just silly...
lets hope theres not another good tank build like that again.
and plz nerf OF as well.
wasnt the main concern to SF for Anet to eliminate speed clears.
and plz nerf OF as well.
wasnt the main concern to SF for Anet to eliminate speed clears.
Dervish, Elementalist or Warriors with a buff to tactics?
I don't see a problem with a paragon or 2 spamming SY for tank like capabilities for everyone in the party o.o
Deatgs Corrupter
guys ur all thinking of current builds i personally want the warrior to become the tank it once was and as anet are apparently re thinking tactics hope fully that will be how it is
Ritualist or anyone who is capable of doing damage with decent prot from another player.
I nominate Inspiration Mesmer as the least likely candidate. In b4 "reverse terra Me/E."
Life Bringing
In some places people will use stance tanks again. Other than that, OF warriors or Eles will return. Either way, bonders will return as well
My guess :
Obsi if ANet doesn't hit it.
SpiritWay-like tankless team (does that really count as tank? Kerwyn turns in his grave!)
TacticWarrior stacking tankless team, depending on how ANet decides to buff it : Balanced level or PvE level...
I wouldn't be too surprised to see 600/55 tanks coming up here and there, but tha tmight be just wishfull thinking.
Obsi if ANet doesn't hit it.
SpiritWay-like tankless team (does that really count as tank? Kerwyn turns in his grave!)
TacticWarrior stacking tankless team, depending on how ANet decides to buff it : Balanced level or PvE level...
I wouldn't be too surprised to see 600/55 tanks coming up here and there, but tha tmight be just wishfull thinking.
Why would ANet hit Obsidian Flesh? It doesn't prevent you from being hit by attacks, only targeted spells - it's not like it's a one-shot skill that keeps you from taking damage and negates enemy spells. On top of that, you move 75% slower, so how exactly would OF Tanks be part of a "Speed" Clear (which is the point that most people fail to take into consideration)?
Sure, OF Tanks will make a comeback with the Tank 'n Spank crowd... but it won't be as imbalanced as the current Tanks.
Sure, OF Tanks will make a comeback with the Tank 'n Spank crowd... but it won't be as imbalanced as the current Tanks.
Would just be a possibility if they decided to hit SC in general or permanent spell immunity. They probablty won't touch it, but if I had stopped there, my post would have been 3 line shorter.
Daft Shifty
SF aura=stoneflesh aura. e.g. VoS, Stoneflesh, (derv enchantments go here)
Originally Posted by _Nihilist_
Sure, OF Tanks will make a comeback with the Tank 'n Spank crowd... but it won't be as imbalanced as the current Tanks. there was a mention that people are doing doasc in about 30mins to 1hr slower then the times of SF.
that would be believeable if you use red, green, blue candy and cons to speed up the movement? correct me with this if im wrong.
i think a paragon would replace SF . An imbagon would allow normal warriors (even HB warriors) to tank and thus, HB warriors don't need to bring tank specific skills like defy pain just to tank. they can stick with HB and still tank thanks to SY from paragons.
like mentioned by someone earlier, OF takes away the purpose of SCs. VoS dervs are just weird .
like mentioned by someone earlier, OF takes away the purpose of SCs. VoS dervs are just weird .
Originally Posted by _Nihilist_
Sure, OF Tanks will make a comeback with the Tank 'n Spank crowd... but it won't be as imbalanced as the current Tanks. Bolded the wining part.
It doesn't mean they are balanced.
Thus - some trashing would be in order.
WTS "Dual-ER physway" gogogogogogogogo
What's the point speculating now?
With the exception of very few members of the community the rest of us have no clue what else is going to be 'balanced'
With the exception of very few members of the community the rest of us have no clue what else is going to be 'balanced'
Originally Posted by HigherMinion
WTS "Dual-ER physway" gogogogogogogogo
Guess what? ERPhysway might actually be one of the best meta we'd have seen in quite a while. That's elem + 5 potential physical (tough* para and derv are...potentially outclassed)+ probably at least 1-2 utility casters (order-necro,MoP,weapon rit...).
*how do you spell that blasted word???!?? Edit: yeah , it's though.
*how do you spell that blasted word???!?? Edit: yeah , it's though.