Well, had no luck on the Miniature Polar Bear, but I've now got all this Alcohol as a byproduct of trying. 1,292 minutes of drunkenness in all (Spiked: 352*3 = 1,056 + Regular: 236).
So, if you're interested make me a fair offer and they're yours. Bid here, or pm me IGN: Wardriff Tacitus. Will accept lockpicks as well and I'll value them at 1.3k apiece.
Thank you,
Will be online again approximately 21 hours from this edit time displayed below (subtract 3 hours and that's what time I'll be on again tomorrow).
Alcohol Sale: 236 Eggnogs, 352 Spiked Eggnogs
Uli Barbarossa
Uli Barbarossa
No offers so far...
Well, I need these out of my storage, so: I will trade all eggnog; 352 Spiked and 236 regular eggnogs for 60 lockpicks. Quite a bargain, just pm me IGN: Wardriff Tacitus.
No offers so far...
Well, I need these out of my storage, so: I will trade all eggnog; 352 Spiked and 236 regular eggnogs for 60 lockpicks. Quite a bargain, just pm me IGN: Wardriff Tacitus.
ill take u up on ur offer
ign: fulla kick
ign: fulla kick