Damage: +15% (while Enchanted)
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Enchantments last 20% longer
b/o 5k
2. Eldritch Sword (Requires 9 Swordsmanship)

Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
b/o 5k
3. Baglorag's Maul (Requires 9 Hammer Mastery)

Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
b/o 2k
4. Durgon's Maul (Requires 9 Hammer Mastery)

Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
b/o 1k
5. Keht's Aegis (Requires 9 Tactics)

Armor +10 (vs. Slashing damage)
Health +30
b/o 10k
6. Enadiz's Defender (Requires 9 Strength)

Reduces Crippled duration on you by 20% (Stacking)
Health +30
b/o 1k
7. Bogroot Rod (requires 9 Inspiration Magic)

Halves skill recharge of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
b/o 3k
8. Bogroot Focus (Requires 9 Channeling Magic)

Halves casting time of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
b/o 3k
9. Lian's Lantern (Requires 9 Fire Magic)

Fire Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
b/o 1k
10. Gloomy Artifact (Requires 9 Death Magic)

Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
b/o 1k
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Leave your IGN. Good luck