first come first serve, i need to get rid of all of this plz clean me out. i will only take ign offers add me as a friedn cause i may be on a diff char.
Zehtukas Horn
Murakai's blade
Lou's Korambits
Shagu's Anthem (sold)
Morolah's Staff (sold)
Deldrimor recurve bow
Murakai's Reaver
Terror Scythe
Spirit of the Forgotten
Chaklins Axe
Ironwing longbow
insightful staff head
dagger handle of fortitude
staff wraping of fortitude
fiery axe haft
axe grip of enchanting
i have the power x3
hale and hearty x3
forget me not (sold)
focus core of aptitude not attitude
wind rider
heket warrior x2 (1 is ded the other isnt)
temple gaurdian
aatxe (ded)
celestial ox (ded)
burning titan x2 (1 is ded)
harpy x2 (1 is ded)
whiptail devourer (ded)
fie imp x2 (1 is ded)
siege turtle x2 (1 is ded)
irukandji (ded)
shiro (ded)
mursaat (ded)
necrid horseman
fungal wallow (ded)
beatle juice tonic
gelatinous tonic
droknars key
amulet of the mists
19 cottontail tonics
26 jars of honey
33 candy corn
more to come pm me in game plz
dareal slim shady
inventory cleanout
dareal slim shady
Shagu's Anthem - 2k
forget me not - 20k (assuming it's max)
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
forget me not - 20k (assuming it's max)
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
2k ironwing longbow
IGN: Tkd Spartan
IGN: Tkd Spartan
Spirit of the Forgotten - 2k
IGN - Light Feathers
IGN - Light Feathers
Valeria Elve
Thanks for fast trade!
Deldrimor Recurve Bow - 1k
(I'll whisp ya in game or send you my IGN by PM thanks)
(I'll whisp ya in game or send you my IGN by PM thanks)