PCs on Un-opened Birthday Presents?



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2009

Raleigh, NC

OEC (part of RUSH)


So while I have seen the guide to prices for Minis (opened b-day presents), I have not seen any info on the un-opened kind. Since they all have a chance to drop gold or even green rarity, I was hoping for at least double the yearly average for a white of same year or maybe near purple price. True?

Year One - White is ~500g-1k; so unopened = about 2k?
Year Two - White is ~3-5k; so unopened = start ~10k?
Year Three - White is ~5-10k; so unopened = near ~20k?
Year Four - White is ~10-12k; so unopened = maybe ~25k?

And where is the best place to try and sell them?

Diana Belevere

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006


Year 1: 5k
Year 2 : 5-10k
Year 3: Not sure on yr 3. But I guess it would be safe to assume the value is between the other prices. so maybe 20kish.
Year 4 : 35kish

People tend to be very willing to get rid of 1st/2nd year unopened presents. They'll pretty much take what you offer. Easy to pick them up for around 5k ea.

You can try selling them in Kamadan. Or selling them in bulk on guru auctions/this forum.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

agree with yawgmoth.

King Vesica XLL