Alcohol and Sweets
Shadow of Cantha
****CLOSED BY OP****
2,733 minutes towards title
633 - Spiked eggnog (1899 points)
40 - Aged Hunter's Ale (120 points)
1 - Aged Dwarven Ale (3 points)
3- Firewater (9 points)
671 - Eggnog (671 points)
30 - Hunter's Ale (30 points)
1 - Dwarven Ale (1 points)
s/b - 210k (~77g/point)
c/o - 210k (trclamp)
r/b - 230k
b/o - 270k (~99g/point)
1,738 sweet tooth points
772 - Fruitcakes (772 points)
2 - Creme Brulee (6 points)
500 - Wintergreen Candy Canes (500 points)
155 - Peppermint Candy Canes (310 points)
135 - Rainbow Candy Canes (135 points)
5 - Green Rock Candies (15 points)
s/b - 215k (~124g/point)
c/o - 243,320g (Press ALT F4)
r/b - 250k
b/o - 305k (~175g/point)
ecto exchange rate - 7,000g per ecto (preferred payment)
zkey exchange rate - 4,000g per zkey
gold also accepted
Leave offers and IGN here, Thanks for looking!
2,733 minutes towards title
633 - Spiked eggnog (1899 points)
40 - Aged Hunter's Ale (120 points)
1 - Aged Dwarven Ale (3 points)
3- Firewater (9 points)
671 - Eggnog (671 points)
30 - Hunter's Ale (30 points)
1 - Dwarven Ale (1 points)
s/b - 210k (~77g/point)
c/o - 210k (trclamp)
r/b - 230k
b/o - 270k (~99g/point)
1,738 sweet tooth points
772 - Fruitcakes (772 points)
2 - Creme Brulee (6 points)
500 - Wintergreen Candy Canes (500 points)
155 - Peppermint Candy Canes (310 points)
135 - Rainbow Candy Canes (135 points)
5 - Green Rock Candies (15 points)
s/b - 215k (~124g/point)
c/o - 243,320g (Press ALT F4)
r/b - 250k
b/o - 305k (~175g/point)
ecto exchange rate - 7,000g per ecto (preferred payment)
zkey exchange rate - 4,000g per zkey
gold also accepted
Leave offers and IGN here, Thanks for looking!
Shadow of Cantha
bump it up!!
Shadow of Cantha
bump it up again!!
ill give you 50 gold a point on that alcohol.
IGN: Ceaser The Third
IGN: Ceaser The Third
Shadow of Cantha
bump one more time
55g/pt alcohol
Jot Only
Jot Only
s/b alcohol
IGN:Hakumi Kalina
IGN:Hakumi Kalina
s/b sweets.....
Dag Z
130g/sweet point
Shadow of Cantha
bump it up again
140g/point for sweets
Shadow of Cantha
back to the front!
closing Sunday ~noon (gmt -5), whether reserves are met or not
closing Sunday ~noon (gmt -5), whether reserves are met or not
Shadow of Cantha
Last chance bump!