+30 HP MOD
Req 10
Q10 Draconic Sycthe Inscribable
hey still need a pc on this item
any help is greatly appreciated
any help is greatly appreciated
Anonymous IXl
Around 30k give or take.
Prices for these can vary a lot - it depends on how much time you're willing to spend looking for a motivated buyer.
Last Oct., I helped a friend buy a clean/junk modded r10 Gold Draconic Scythe for 40k. We trusted the 40k ballpark price another friend gave us, and I later noticed other Draconic Scythes selling for prices that made me think 40k for r10 was a pretty good guess.
I think the 20/20 and +30 scythe mods are easily worth a few plat each these days. If that were mine, I'd remove those mods with a perfect kit and sell them separate, then try for 40k on the bare scythe and see how long it took.
Cheers & GL
Last Oct., I helped a friend buy a clean/junk modded r10 Gold Draconic Scythe for 40k. We trusted the 40k ballpark price another friend gave us, and I later noticed other Draconic Scythes selling for prices that made me think 40k for r10 was a pretty good guess.
I think the 20/20 and +30 scythe mods are easily worth a few plat each these days. If that were mine, I'd remove those mods with a perfect kit and sell them separate, then try for 40k on the bare scythe and see how long it took.
Cheers & GL