PC Chaos Axe q8 Non inscribable

Sim Wark

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2009

The Celestial Dragon


Hey guys, anyone knows the price of this Chaos Axe I found ?

Chaos Axe of Fortitude

Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (Requires 8 Axe Mastery)

Damage +13% (vs. Hexed foes)

Health +30

There's currently no Axe Haft on it, but I got a Zealous one, so if I should put it on before, tell me.


King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

similar to other badly modded r8 golds, you could maybe get 5-10k.
unfortunately i would probably merch imo.

King Vesica XLL

p.s. salvage the +30 off, sells for 2-3k.