Need a PC on this. Any help is appreciated. TY for your time.
PC R8 Jeweled Chalice
Bump really need a pc on this plz, can anyone help? merchfood or no?
Well it's at least max, but blue & Insp. Maybe 10k.
I would guess more like 15-20k range, but any Mesmer thing can be hard to find buyers. Inspiration might widen the market - seems to me like there's more demand for Inspiration offhands these days than any other Mesmer att.
If you don't want to devote a lot of time to selling, I'd think getting 10k for that in a hurry would be respectable. It's up to you.
Cheers & GL
If you don't want to devote a lot of time to selling, I'd think getting 10k for that in a hurry would be respectable. It's up to you.
Cheers & GL