Gold ---- Shiro 5k **
Purple --- Elf 5k
Abomination 10k **SOLD**
Irukanji 5k ---- 2 available
Thorn Wolf 3k
Fire Imp 3k
Mandragor Imp 3k
Heket Warrior 2k
Whiptail Devourer --- free to one of first 2 purchases of 10k or more, or 700g sold separately
Jade Armor --- free to one of first 2 purchases of 10k or more, or 700g sold separately
Prices are negotiable but no low ball offers please.
**=accepted offer/waiting for in game exchange
PM in-game: Collintag Deadwood
WTS mini pets, all undedicated
Acoyate Oblivion
Gold- Mini shiro for 5k
IGN- Acoyate oblivion
IGN- Acoyate oblivion
Abomination 10k
GMT + 1
IGN: Nat San
GMT + 1
IGN: Nat San
just a few pets left!
The Bremby
Irukanji 5k x1
The Bremby
The Bremby
Thanks to the buyers so far. Acoyate, I've been looking for you in game but we may just be on at different times this week. I haven't forgotten about you.