Obby shards
I was just thinking ... since shadow form will be nerfed soon. Fowsc will probably be a lot less popular, wouldnt that make the price of obby shards raise just like ectos did? cause I just bought 132 shards so pls dont tell me they will get cheaper or something

Kumu Honua
Shards are not difficult to get. I highly doubt they will increase in value for you.
Shard farming is a lot easier than ecto farming.
Turk The Legendary
if shards raise id say they will raise to 3.5k at the very most because like everybody here is saying... shard farming is very easy
I was just thinking ... since shadow form will be nerfed soon. Fowsc will probably be a lot less popular, wouldnt that make the price of obby shards raise just like ectos did? cause I just bought 132 shards so pls dont tell me they will get cheaper or something
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I sure hope zkeys will get some love though, still have 82 of those, leftovers from the glorious RR days.
Twin Blade Warriror
back to going to forgemaster and giving up ^^ but im pretty sure now with all the new skills fow clear is still possible but it will be slow
They won't go up much.. They were always cheap/easy to farm. Anet would have to nerf all of GW skills to make em rocket..
Only time will tell tbh. :\
solo farming nets you more shards than fowsc. got 14 shards in 1h clearing cave & forest with spiritspam. fowsc is 2-4 in ~30 with pugs.
Frozen Ele
There is a slight possibility that the price in shards could drop in price. As the UW clear becomes more tiresome and long, there might be a shift to FoW (easier, solo farm which could yield more money vs. time than UW), causing shards to be even more commonplace, and thus less expensive.
Like the above posts, FoW is easy and fun to do with even balance build teams. UW is alot harder. I'm guessing, if anything, shards will go down because more people will migrate from UW to FoW.
Over the 5 year life of GW, how many "overpowered" builds have been nerfed?! The ecto prices are going up because people think they're going to cash in on the SF nerf.
When the nerfbat finally hits, and everyone goes back to business as usual, prices will level out to where they've been for the past several years, and a lot of speculators will lose money.
SF nerf is NOT a world changing event! It's just one more in a long line of builds getting hit.
When the nerfbat finally hits, and everyone goes back to business as usual, prices will level out to where they've been for the past several years, and a lot of speculators will lose money.
SF nerf is NOT a world changing event! It's just one more in a long line of builds getting hit.
You have to remember that shard prices are strongly tied to ecto prices, since every 1 shard needs 1 ecto to become of any use. If they nerf farming builds heavily, shards will drop instead of rising. Also remember that there are lots of possible solo builds able to farm FoW, from shadow army and forest to beach and cave. No way they nerf even 1/4 of them.
You have to remember that shard prices are strongly tied to ecto prices, since every 1 shard needs 1 ecto to become of any use. If they nerf farming builds heavily, shards will drop instead of rising. Also remember that there are lots of possible solo builds able to farm FoW, from shadow army and forest to beach and cave. No way they nerf even 1/4 of them.
Aside from that, even if solo farming wasn't piss easy, FoW can still be completed with a well balanced and organized 4 man team. There's no difficulty in the FoW to justify higher shard prices.
Turk The Legendary
There is a slight possibility that the price in shards could drop in price. As the UW clear becomes more tiresome and long, there might be a shift to FoW (easier, solo farm which could yield more money vs. time than UW), causing shards to be even more commonplace, and thus less expensive.
warrior spider farms still work
lol where have you been since the addition of dhuum to uw? Fow has already become 5x more popular since dhuums addition and it cannot possibly get any more popular. Shards are already very commonplace

The Arching Healer
Not so. Cow's Gloves only require ectos to craft and are a massive ecto sink.
Aside from that, even if solo farming wasn't piss easy, FoW can still be completed with a well balanced and organized 4 man team. There's no difficulty in the FoW to justify higher shard prices. |
and yeah... shards are hitting 2.5k at the trader now and wouldnt surprise me to see them fluctuate even worse... but atm its all just speculation and opinion.
Not so. Cow's Gloves only require ectos to craft and are a massive ecto sink.
Aside from that, even if solo farming wasn't piss easy, FoW can still be completed with a well balanced and organized 4 man team. There's no difficulty in the FoW to justify higher shard prices. |
They could even be Nick's item of the week and trade 1:1 for gifts, since they're easier to farm than Ruby essences... That would be an interesting market shakeup and a fun farming week, fun because there are soooo many ways of getting shards.
Ofcours shards are much easier to farm and also have much higher droprates.
They could even be Nick's item of the week and trade 1:1 for gifts, since they're easier to farm than Ruby essences... That would be an interesting market shakeup and a fun farming week, fun because there are soooo many ways of getting shards. |