Smiting Staff of Pruning


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2010


Just getting into farming/trading, not really sure how valuable this is. Also, I noticed that the component guide says "Does not get updated"... how close to current values is it?

20 HSR
+10 Energy
11-22 Holy
+20% damage to plants (best part, right?)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007


Liars, Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


Good max mods assumed, the req is the important part. The +20% vs plants is a removable mod and isn't worth more than 5k to some collector who wants to wand aloes to death.

That being said, it looks to be missing a mod, so I wouldn't give it more than 2k value. Nobody is going to buy it, save someone needing it for a casual hero.

For the components guide, check the bottom of the original post and look for the small italic note that says "Last edited...". That is how up to date it is. You can always look to the last few pages to find more recent user contributions to the guide that weren't added to the original post.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2010


I could stick on a +29 hale head if you think it'd be worth it to put that on instead selling the mod by itself. Also, what I meant was whether or not current values are still pretty much the same, or should I add in a PC for the mods I have?

I haven't played GW in three years, and I didn't really mess with this stuff before then, so pardon me if I'm asking stupid questions.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007


Liars, Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


As I said, check the more recent posts in the mod PC thread for up to date values. Most of the values in the OP aren't more than 1-2k off, if anything.

It doesn't matter if you put a head on that staff. Addable mods do not change the value of an item (aside from the actual value of the mod). What I'm saying is that unless this item is inscribable, it is missing the modifier that would otherwise be an inscription. If it is inscribable, then disregard this comment.

You should always post whether or not it is inscribable, along with the req.