R7 14^50 Crenalated, Bugged Crystalline gold old school
roadrunner meep meep
Closed May make a new thread in the future but doubt it, unless i get a very high offer on my Bugged crystalline Which im 100% on the fact theres nothign else out there like it, Im going to keep PM me on guru if u wana see it or make an offer i cant refuse
teh bestest is here
s/b on crystal
110e on crystalline
"I will post a picture upon request."
Right to withdraw yadaayadya.....
-Dont Cause Drama
"I will post a picture upon request."
Right to withdraw yadaayadya.....
-Dont Cause Drama
50e on the q7 crenelated sword
125e on crysta
roadrunner meep meep
Bump will add pic as soon as i can log into gw again.... They reset my pw and sent my info to another person by mistake. which its been fixed some what waiting on new info to log in tho.
roadrunner meep meep
Bump Got info IM BACK..........
roadrunner meep meep
Bump to the top! ya
roadrunner meep meep
BUMMP B.o added/Rb added C.o is 505e IN game