closed closed closed
I only have a few thing left to sell.SO BUY EM, lol
Gold Req9 Strength/Amber Aegis
Recive Phys Dmge -5 20%
Blue Req9 Tactics/Heraldic Shield of Fortitude
+25 Health
Crippling Suntouched Spear/req 9 spear mastery
Lengthens Cripple by 33% DMG +19%
Icy Dark Scimatar of Defense
Req9 Swordsmanship
Armor +5 Inscriptable
Sword of the Kinslayer
The deathbringer
Hand of the forgotten
The Mindclouder
Hassin's Shell
Straw Effigy(Channeling)
250 Wintersday Gifts C/O 100k (Kira Specialis)
250 Wintergreen Candy Canes
213 Frosty tonics
13 Trans tonics
7 Mischivious tonics
7 Eultide tonics
18 Mysterious stones
5 Merchantile stones
2 Mischivious stones
1 Frosty stone
I would love for all this to go so I can have storage room. PM me in game IGN/Fang Evershot
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Storage SALE
Steel Longshot
1k on the Magekiller
(I'll PM you my IGN thanks)
(I'll PM you my IGN thanks)
5 Merchantile stones -200/ea
ign: fulla kick
ign: fulla kick
1k on Suntouched Spear assuming it's gold and max dmg
ign - Commander Grizzly
ign - Commander Grizzly
Steel Longshot
Originally Posted by bangzi

5 Merchantile stones -200/ea
ign: fulla kick Sry already sold
ign: fulla kick Sry already sold
Gold Req9 SoulR/Insectoid Staff = 3k
IGN = Funky Slash
IGN = Funky Slash
dr love
213 Frosty tonics
13 Trans tonics
7 Mischivious tonics
7 Eultide tonics
150g ea
13 Trans tonics
7 Mischivious tonics
7 Eultide tonics
150g ea
Steel Longshot
Magekiller,merch stones and insetoid staff are gone! everything else is open game!!!!!!
Stack of gifts - 100k
IGN Kira Specialis
IGN Kira Specialis