Need a Huge Price Check [Incri/UnInscr] Weapons


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2008


Been looking for some Price Checks ingame - Some said that & Others said lower or higher.
But now I need an exact Price Check.
I'd be thankful if you left a comment.

1. Inscription - Portal Staff - Q9 [Undyed]
2. Uninscripted - Ceremonail Daggers - Q9 [Undyed]
3. Uninscripted - Flame Artifact - Q10 [Undyed]
4. Inscription - Vabbian Deffender - Q9 [Blue Dyed]
5. Uninscripted - Protective Icon - Q10 [Undyed]
6. Inscription - Eternal Shield - Q9 [Undyed]
7. Inscription - Legendary Sword - Q9 [Undyed]
8. Uninscripted - Dwarven Axe Q12 [Undyed]
9. Inscription - Holy Rod - Q9 [Undyed]
10. Inscription - Celestial Sword - Q10 [Undyed]
11. Inscription - Mursaat Hammer - Q9 [Blackdyed]
12. Inscription - Kappa Shield - Q9 [Graydyed]
13. Inscription - Stygian Reaver - Q13 [Undyed]
14. Inscription - Astral Staff - Q9 [Undyed]
15. Uninscripted - Holy Rod Q10 - [Undyed]
16. Inscription - Stygian Reaver - Q9 [Blackdyed]
17. Uninscripted - Water Wand - Q9 [Undyed]

Thank you!


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

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Originally Posted by kolomos View Post
Been looking for some Price Checks ingame - Some said that & Others said lower or higher.
But now I need an exact Price Check.
Alas, I'm afraid there's no such thing. This is all based on supply and demand of pixels and fake money throughout a population of video game players. Price checks are inherently ranges and best guesses based on folks' experience. Experience varies by player. You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect a single price that everyone agrees on.

That being said, here are the best guesses I can offer you based on what I've seen.

1. Inscription - Portal Staff - Q9 [Undyed]
- strip the 20% enchant wrap off and sell separate for several plat
- r9 gold Portal Staff, fire damage
--- I don't see as many of these offered for sale as I used to, but I don't see a lot of folks looking to buy them these days either. I would guess 5-10k.

2. Uninscripted - Ceremonail Daggers - Q9 [Undyed]
- strip the 20/20 and +30 mods off and sell for a few plat each.
- r9 gold inherent 15wE Ceremonial Daggers
--- 15wE is not a bad mod for daggers, but it doesn't fetch the kind of prices you get for 15^50 or +5 and this skin is available inscribable. I would guess 5kish

3. Uninscripted - Flame Artifact - Q10 [Undyed]
- r10 inherent Flame Artifact with +5ar/-20 and 10HSR dual mods.
--- While inherent offhands and shields with desirable dual mods can fetch quite a lot, I'm afraid this combination of mods isn't likely to get a lot of interest. Were it mine, I'd be happy to get even a couple plat for that. (I can't see the price varying much depending on which skin the artifact has, the flame or the eye.)

4. Inscription - Vabbian Deffender - Q9 [Blue Dyed]
- strip the inscription and the handle off and sell separately
- r9 motivation gold Vabbian Defender
--- Not a lot of these around for sale, and I've noticed quite a few folks looking for this skin lately. Motivation doesn't usually fetch as high a price as Command, but I would still try for 20k, maybe more.

5. Uninscripted - Protective Icon - Q10 [Undyed]
- r10 purple inherent Protective Icon with dual mods which are either not usually desirable or far from max
--- This is merch food (or salvage for dust/granite) It's not hard to find an insc. Protective Icon for cheap and put max mods on it (+5/-20 is an inscription and unconditional hp is a fortitude core.)

6. Inscription - Eternal Shield - Q9 [Undyed]
- again, strip off both mods which are quite popular and sell separate
- r9 str insc. Eternal Shield
--- I'm not good at Eternal Shield pricing at all. I would guess 50k+, but hopefully someone who knows more will give you a better answer.

7. Inscription - Legendary Sword - Q9 [Undyed]
- again, sell the mods separate
- r9 gold insc. Legendary Sword
--- I think these are 10kish, but not sure.

8. Uninscripted - Dwarven Axe Q12 [Undyed]
- purple max r12 Dwarven Axe with no inherent mod or inscription slot
--- I think it's merch food, and here's why. It's not hard now to find inscribable Dwarven Axes with the same skin for under 10k. While the game no longer produces inherent gold Dwarven Axes, it can still spawn the purple ones. Collectors will pay big bucks for one of the old non-insc. gold axes with inherent mods, but that's not at all what you have. You might get a few plat for it for novelty's sake, but I doubt it will be at all easy to sell.

9. Inscription - Holy Rod - Q9 [Undyed]
- strip both mods and sell separate
- r9 gold insc. Holy Rod
--- These are easy to find for 2-3k. You might get as much as 5k if you find someone in a hurry.

10. Inscription - Celestial Sword - Q10 [Undyed]
- I'm going to stop typing strip the mods and sell separate for these. You can easily look at the replies to the mod PC thread and figure out what's even worth the time trying to sell separate.
- r10 insc. gold Celestial Sword
--- Sorry, no idea on PC for these things. I know there's a pretty large market, so it's certainly worth selling for something.

11. Inscription - Mursaat Hammer - Q9 [Blackdyed]
- r9 insc. gold Mursaat Hammer
--- Like above, I'm not sure but it's worth selling. I think 20kish, but that's a shaky guess on my part.

12. Inscription - Kappa Shield - Q9 [Graydyed]
- r9 str insc. gold Kappa Shield
--- Shaky guess of 10-15k

13. Inscription - Stygian Reaver - Q13 [Undyed]
- r13 Stygian Reaver
--- Not sure, but I don't think the r9s are very expensive anymore. I would guess no more than a few k for r13 based on the way most buyers shun r13

14. Inscription - Astral Staff - Q9 [Undyed]
- r9 Spawning Astral Staff
--- Not sure. I recently won an auction for an r9 Soul Reaping Astral Staff for 20k. Given the details of that particular auction, I think I probably got that for a cheap price. I would guess yours is worth no more than 60kish, but that may be way too high.

15. Uninscripted - Holy Rod Q10 - [Undyed]
- r10 gold Holy Rod with inherent 20 HCT Healing and 20 HSR Smiting
--- If the two mods were for the same monk attribute, I could see it going over 100k. As yours is mixed mods, the demand will be a lot less. I don't think there's an easy PC answer, but I'd say set a starting bid around 10k and see what kind of interest you get.

16. Inscription - Stygian Reaver - Q9 [Blackdyed]
--- Again, I'm not clear on Stygian Reaver pricing. I honestly doubt the black dye will affect the price much, but it's not like you can take it off now.

17. Uninscripted - Water Wand - Q9 [Undyed]
- r9 gold Water Wand, inherent 10/10 dual mods
--- Nice wand with nice inherent dual mods, but not GREAT wand with GREAT inherent dual mods. Were it mine, I'd try something like starting bid 20k and see what kind of interest I got.

There ya go, my best guesses. If folks come along and disagree with my answers, I'm afraid it'll be up to you to decide. I've tried to leave details on how I came up with the numbers and be clear if I'm very unsure about them.

Cheers & GL


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2008



I've gotten a good Price Check, but some are missing etc.
Stygian Reaver.

I got a new item -


It says that this only drops in Pre Searing & That you can craft one from the Weaponsmith in EotN - I found this though. Maybe a collector might give a good price for it?