PC q8 command 16al (blue) insc vabbian bastion

Rutto Nalle

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007



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Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I bought a blue 15/7 command Vabbian Bastion for 25k last week. I won it off an auction-type thread. There was another bidder who posted a 15k offer, but I was pleasantly surprised when I won it for my 25k bid.

Tactics PvP shields seem to get the highest overall prices, but there is a market for the Command and Motivation versions, too, I think.

Uncommon skinned 16/8 tactics blue shields go for 100-150k these days. I'd say what you have is an uncommon skinned 16/8 command blue shield. Maybe a fair b/o is 60-80k? You may have to settle for significantly less if you're not keen on waiting around for the right buyer.

Cheers & GL

EDIT - jimbo's answer below makes sense, so I could very well be wrong in my guess above.

I know 15/7 command shields are more useful to imbagons than 16/8 versions. I think there are some caster/P folks using command shields in PvP, but I have no idea if it's popular enough to keep the demand for 16/8s as high or higher than the 15/7s the imbagons like so much.



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Gentlemens Club [GC]


Sorry, but I've gotta disagree with Luny on this one. 15/7 Para shields are worth more than 16/8 due to the attribute spread of the Imbagon build. If it was gold and q8, it might fetch a fair amount, but I'd say yours would be more in the 12-15k range. Even with 15k as your asking price, it might not be easy to sell.