pc oldsql diamond aegis, + much more



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

WT[B] swamp club, pm me if you have it, or know someone who does..

Golo dupe na mesecini


i need your help

#1 Aegis req7 tactics +30 +10vs trols

#2 Clouded maul req9 +5e

#3 Storm bow req8 15 -1energy

#4 Plagueborn staff req10 earth 20/20

#5 Chaneling staff req9 ch 20/20

#6 Ornate shield req8 tactics +29 -2stance

#7 Diamond aegis req10 tactics +28 -3hex

#8 GOTH req9 +60/-3 hex


close my other thread

Da Tru Legend

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006

Light of Honor [Lite]


75e+ on ornate, 20k+ on chan staff, 75k+ on clouded

EDIT: No offense taken. Maybe my PC on the Clouded is mistaken, but I (perhaps mistakenly) recalled seeing some Q9 15^50 Cloudeds selling for 100k-ish several months ago and I PC'd the Q9 +5 Clouded as being slightly cheaper.

EDIT #2: No worries, I was just explaining the reasoning behind my PC since you provided some for yours and I had (at first) not for mine. No offense taken again.



Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I realize you're both big-time traders. I mean no disrespect to Tru above, but 75k+ for an r9 Clouded Maul with +5en seems unrealistic to me.

I watched someone try to sell an inherent r9 15^50 Clouded Maul for 60k for a couple months with no success late last Fall. I can't see you getting a lot of folks interested in an r9 +5 Clouded Maul for 75k.

Before HM and inscribable ones appeared, yeah, they were rare and quite popular. Seems like, as hammers go, it's still a popular skin. Alas, inherents drop from HM Locked Chests in a part of Factions which folks frequently chest run, looking for Celestials, and the zChest or something seems to produce a steady supply of insc. versions.

If it were r8, it would be a different story. I'd guess you'd have trouble getting even 20k for an r9 +5en Clouded Maul these days.

I would aim a little higher, maybe 30k+, for the 20/20 Channeling Staff, just because I notice almost as many folks looking for a Channeling Staff as I do looking for a Fire Staff. I think it's SoS Rits, but something is driving up the demand for Channeling Staves.

I'd guess no more than 5-10k for the Diamond Aegis. Fans of the skin can get insc. tactics Diamond Aegi for 15k or less. I just don't see the demand to drive the price for r10 with non-max dual mods very high, even if it is oldschool.

No idea on the other stuff, sorry.

Cheers & GL

EDIT @ Tru's edit above - No worries. What each player notices or finds in trades can vary a lot - I was disagreeing with your price quote and trying to explain why, that's all. My apologies if what I wrote could be interpreted as accusatory. Such was never my intention.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

WT[B] swamp club, pm me if you have it, or know someone who does..

Golo dupe na mesecini


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Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2009

Domain of Anguish


around 30k for 20/20 chan staff.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

WT[B] swamp club, pm me if you have it, or know someone who does..

Golo dupe na mesecini


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Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

WT[B] swamp club, pm me if you have it, or know someone who does..

Golo dupe na mesecini


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