pc on 3 outcast staffs
all have 20/10 hct
req9 illusion
r13 communing
r11 curse
also got a outcast shield
r 10 str
42/-2 enchant
pc outcast staffs hct 10%
20/10 arent really popular or worth anything unless fire/divine/resto.
I'd put the illusion on sell section with an s/b of 8k and see where it goes. You can probably pull up to 25k.
the others are more for heros.
I'd put the illusion on sell section with an s/b of 8k and see where it goes. You can probably pull up to 25k.
the others are more for heros.
Curses is decent 20/10 is ok for mods. Id aim for 10k for the curses one and like Jinks said 20kish for the illusion one, Communing is def a hero staff.
Would try for 50k on the r9................
Agree with Stuey on the r9. I recently sold a q11 Channeling 20/10 Outcast for 25k. Although that's probably a more desirable attribute than any of yours, it should give you a rough idea. There are a fair amount of collectors out there for Canthan staves.