R9 Oni Daggers, unid golden
Price check please. Req9 and max damage (7-17).
Karate Jesus
Oni Daggers vary a lot in price. I'm assuming they're unid because you got them as a drop in factions, which means they could have a terrible damage mod.
If you want to sell them unid, then you could probably get around 10k from a gambler. You may get signifigantly less considering that most people will know that the damage mod could be bad.
I would recommend ID'ing them. Then, at least, you know what you're selling.
If you want to sell them unid, then you could probably get around 10k from a gambler. You may get signifigantly less considering that most people will know that the damage mod could be bad.
I would recommend ID'ing them. Then, at least, you know what you're selling.
He is right, unid factions weps no matter how good the skin and req qill not sell as high as a good id'd one. This is because the mod will vary and is mostly non maxed or terrible.
As he said 10k from a gambler but spamming might take a bit.
As he said 10k from a gambler but spamming might take a bit.
This will never get 10k unless you find an idiot and waste a lot of time. Lucky to get around 1k for them, I would ID or try to get the 1-2k max.