Ok, no order to anything, any price is B/O, if there is no price I want offers.
For sale:
89 Wintersday Gifts - 250g/ea
20 Crates of Fireworks - 700g/ea
Dedicated Celestial Rat - Offer
Dedicated Ceratadon - Offer
Dedicated Terrorweb Dryder - 5k
Sword Pruning 20%(plants) - 5k
Sword Zealous - 1k
Axe Zealous - 1k
Shiro's Blades green daggers - 2k
q11 inscribable gold caster modded Serpent Axe (tyrian) - 10k
q9 oldschool gold perfect modded 15^50 Morning Star Axe - 25k
q10 inscribable gold Earth Staff (OBSIDIAN skin) - 5k
q12 oldschool gold vampiric 15^50 Gothic Axe - SOLD
2 green Charr Bags - 3k/ea
2 15^50 inscriptions - 750g/ea
The more you buy, the happier I am so I might chuck something in free or give discount.
Please leave your IGN or contact me IGN: Skeletor Il (skeletor il).
Skeletor's January Sale of Allsorts!
Skeletor Il
ill buy both charr bags for the lolz
pm me on forum
-Dont Cause Drama
pm me on forum
-Dont Cause Drama
Sword Pruning 20%(plants) - 5k
Essential Gawd
Essential Gawd
Skeletor Il
bumpage bumpage
q12 oldschool gold vampiric 15^50 Gothic Axe - 10k
IGN: The Lurking Lich
IGN: The Lurking Lich
buying your mysterious and mercantile summoning stones
ign:cassna vandervacken
ign:cassna vandervacken
I will buy Mini Ceratadon for 20k.
IGN: Angel Of Truths
IGN: Angel Of Truths
Skeletor Il
bump added you all and looking for you all in-game.
Skeletor Il
bump please bump
Skeletor Il
Bumpage bumpage
Skeletor Il
bumpage bumpage