I will compare your bids to prices in this forum, and get back to you ASAP.
Reasonable bids only please

If I don't reply to you within a day or 2, it probably means that your bid is too low compared to forum prices.
I reserve the right to sell to other players if they make an offer in-game, if I cannot contact the offers posted here.
Green Weapons and Items
All green items are maxed dmg/armor. Please check the item details on wiki, and approximate prices here.
For Warriors:
- Thorgall's Stone Smasher (hammer)
- Thorgall's Shield (strength shield)
- Tarnen's Shield (tactics shield)
For Necromancers:
- Bortak's Bone Staff (death staff)
- The Shadestone (blood offhand)
- Villnar's Glove (curses offhand)
For Rangers:
- Chkkr's Flatbow
- Uhiwi's Shortbow x 3
For Monks:
- Brohn's Holy Rod (divine favor wand)
For Elementalists:
- Zarnas' Wrath (earth wand) x 2
- Brimstone Wand (air wand)
- Bosun's Focus (water magic offhand)
For Mesmers:
- Vokur's Cane (illusion wand)
- The Time Eater (fast casting offhand)
- Yammiron's Focus (domination offhand)
For Assassins:
- Lunto's Pincers
For Ritualists:
- Mossbeard's Wand (spawning power wand)
For Dervishes:
- The Deathbringer (scythe) x 2
- Bubahl's Grasp (scythe) x 3
Gold Weapons and Items
Specs are in brackets () and separated by comars (,). For the weapon skin/looks, please view wiki gallery.
Please bid reasonably based on skin, weapon specs and how much it would cost to craft the weapon yourself
- Fiery Dragon Sword of Defense (max dmg, req. 10 swordsmanship, damage+14% in stance, armor+5)
- Barbed Salient Sword of Fortitude (max dmg, req. 9 swordsmanship, Lengthen bleeding by 33%, Health+29, Damage+19% while hexed)
- Shocking Marble Hammer of Enchanting (max lightning dmg, req. 8 hammer mastery, damage+15%, energy-5, enchantments last 20% longer)
- Heavy War Hammer of Deathbane (max dmg, req. 10 hammer mastery, lengthen weakness on foes 33%, half casting time of spells 10%, dmg+20% vs. undead)
- Bronze Crusher of Deathbane (max dmg, req. 12 hammer mastery, Energy+5, dmg+20% vs. undead)
- Vampiric Jade Hammer of Defense (max dmg, req. 10 hammer mastery, dmg+15% vs. hexed foes, Life stealing:5, Health regen-1, Armor+5)
- Vampiric Ram's Hammer of Defense (max dmg, req. 10 hammer mastery, dmg+20% vs while hexed, Life stealing:5, Health regen-1, Armor+5)
- Icy Colossal Pick of Warding (cold max dmg, req. 10 hammer mastery, dmg+14%, energy-5, armor+7 vs. ele dmg)
- Furious Righteous Maul (max dmg, req. 10 hammer mastery, dmg+14% while health is above 50%, double adrenaline gain 9%)
- Great Axe of Fortitude (max dmg, req. 13 axemastery, dmg+15% when health is over 50%, health+30)
- Crippling Gemstone Axe of Shelter (max dmg, req. 12 axe mastery, lengthen crippling on foes by 33%, armor+7 vs. phy dmg, damage+15% while in a stance)
- Sickle of Enchanting (max dmg, req. 10 axe mastery, dmg+15%, energy-5, enchantments last 19% longer)
Warrior Shields:
- Zodiac Shield (armor:16, req. 11 strength, phy dmg -3 while hexed)
- Plagueborn Shield (armor:16, req. 9 tactics, reduce blind by 20%, phy dmg -2 while in a stance)
- Silencing Azure Recurve Bow of Warding (max dmg, req. 11 marksmanship, lengthen dazed duration on foes by 33%, armor+7 vs. ele dmg, half skill recharge of spells 10%)
- Crippling Amber Longbow of Fortitude (max dmg, req. 13 marksmanship, dmg+15% while enchanted, lengthens crippled duration on foes by 33%, health+30)
- Barbed Amber Longbow of Shelter (max dmg, req. 9 marksmanship, dmg+15% while health is above 50%, lengthens bleeding duration on foes by 33%, armor+7 vs. phy dmg)
- Icy Hornbow of Shelter (max dmg, req. 9 marksmanship, armor+7 vs. phy dmg)
Monk Staffs:
- Holy Staff (max dmg, req. 11 divine favor, energy+10, halves recharge of spells 20%, damage+15%, armor-10 while attacking)
- Insightful Holy Branch of Shelter (max dmg, req. 11 divine favor, energy+10, reduce crippled duration on you by 20%, half casting time of spells 10%, energy+5, armor+7 vs. phy dmg)
- Storm Artifact (energy+12, req. 9 air magic, armor+5, health-20)
- Idol (energy+12, req. 9 blood magic, half skill recharge of spells 10%)
- Jeweled Chakram (energy+12, req. 13 illusion magic, illusion magic+1 20%)
- Frost Artifact (PURPLE ITEM, energy+12, req. 10 water magic, armor+5, health-20)
- Accursed Icon (energy+12, req. 10 curses, health+60 while hexed, armor+5 while enchanted)
- Bone Idol of Fortitude (energy+12, req. 11 soul reaping, health+29, soul reaping+1 19%)
Paragon Shields:
- Eagle Defender of Valor (armor:16, req. 10 command, health+60 while hexed, phy dmg -3 while hexed)
- Vabbian Tower Shield of Endurance (armor:16, req. 13 motivation, phy dmg -2 while enchanted, health+44 while in stance)
Elementalist Wand:
- Blazing Wing Wand of Memory (max dmg, req. 10 Fire magic, halves skill recharge of fire magic spells 19%, energy+5 when health is above 50%)
Elementalist Staff:
- Earth Staff of Defense (max dmg, req. 10 Earth Magic, halves skill recharge of spells 20%, energy+10, armor+5, Inscription Vengence is mine dmg+20% while health is below 50%)
Ritualist Wands:
- Amber Wand (max dmg, req. 10 restoration magic, half skill recharge of spells 10%)
- Poisonous Hooked Scythe of Enchanting (max dmg, req. 11 scythe, poison duration 33%, enchantments 19% longer, dmg+20% while hexed)
Mesmer Staff:
- Insightful Plagueborn Staff of Defense (max dmg, req. 12 channeling, energy+10, reduce deep wound by 20%, energy+5, armor+5)
- Zealous Kris Daggers of Defense (max dmg, req. 12 dagger, dmg+15% vs hexed foes, energy gain on hit:1, energy regen-1, armor+5)
Weapons and Items Mods
Please look up mod prices here. Also, if there's a mod you'd like but it's not on this list, please let me know via PM so if I run into it, I'll be sure to keep it for you

For Swords:
- Sword Pommel of Shelter (Armor+7 vs. physical damage)
- Zealous Sword Hilt (Energy gain on hit:1, Energy regen-1)
For Hammer:
- Hammer Grip of Defense (Armor+5)
- Cruel Hammer Haft (Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%)
- Heavy Hammer Haft (Lengthens Weakness duration on foes by 33%)
- Vampiric Hammer Haft (Life stealing: 5, Health regen-1)
- Zealous Hammer Haft (Energy gain on hit: 1, Energy regen-1)
- Furious Hammer Haft (Double adrenaline gain 10%)
- Fiery Hammer Haft (Fire damage)
For Axe:
- Axe Grip of Axe Mastery (Axe Mastery+1, 20%) x 2
- Axe Grip of Warding (Armor+7 vs. elemental damage)
- Heavy Axe Haft (Lengthens Weakness duration on foes by 33%)
- Barbed Axe Haft (Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%)
- Zealous Axe Haft (Energy gain on hit: 1, Energy regen-1)
- Vampiric Axe Haft (Life stealing: 3, Health regen-1)
For Bow:
- Icy Bowstring (cold damage)
- Zealous Bowstring (Energy gain on hit: 1, Energy regen-1) x 2
- Poisonous Bowstring (Lengthen poison duration on foes by 33%)
- Bow Grip of Marksmanship (Marksmanship+1 20%) x 2
- Bow Grip of Defense
For Staff:
- Staff Wrapping of Deathbane (dmg+20% vs. undead)
- Staff Wrapping of OgreSlaying (dmg+20% vs. Ogres)
- Staff Wrapping of Fortitude (Health+29)
- Staff Wrapping of Earth Magic (Earth Magic +1 20%)
- Staff Wrapping of Curses (Curses +1 20%)
- Staff Wrapping of Defense (Armor+5)
- Defensive Staff Head (Armor+5)
- Hale Staff Head (Health+30)
For Wands:
- Wand Wrapping of Memory (halves skill recharge on spells of item's attribute 20%) x 2
For Scythe:
- Scythe Grip of Shelter (Armor+7 vs. Physical damage)
- Heavy Scythe Snathe (Lengthen Weakness duration on foes by 33%)
For Spear:
- Spear Grip of Spear Mastery (Spear Mastery +1 20%)
For Spellcasting Weapons:
- Inscription: "Hale and Hearty" (Energy+5 while health is above 50%) x 3
For Inscribable Weapons:
- Inscription: "Strength and Honor" (Damage+15% while health is above 50%) x 3
- Inscription: "Don't Think Twice" (Halves casting time of spells 10%)
For Inscribable Focus items or shields:
- Inscription: "Through Thick and Thin" (Armor+10 vs. Piercing damage)
Please look up prices of the minipets here.
All minipets are undedicated.
- Miniature Koss
- Miniature Aatxe x 2
- Miniature Abyssal
- Miniature Cave Spider
- Miniature Cloudtouched Simian x 4
- Miniature Heket Warrior x 3
- Miniature Jade Armor
- Miniature Kveldulf
- Miniature Roaring Ether x 2
- Miniature Siege Turtle
- Miniature Whiptail Devourer
* Sorry if there are typo or classification mistakes Please let me know if there are any.
** Also, let me know if any of these are worthless, as I haven't been playing for over a year and much may have changed.
*** Thanks for looking!