PC on Vial Of Dye [Mixed]
Bring me Pain
Appreciate it. Thanks in advance =)
Page Down Warhammer
For the most part this is bogus, before GW had the preview window that they have now, they had a way where you could mix dyes to make one mixed dye. Any mixed dye for sale now can be made with a particular combination in the dye preview.
Aside from the fact that mixed dye can't be made anymore, it is (at most) half of what the dyes inside are worth together.
Aside from the fact that mixed dye can't be made anymore, it is (at most) half of what the dyes inside are worth together.
lol not at all, I've seen alot for sale at prices 50k+ not sure though.
use the search option, you will see howmuch it will be worth
use the search option, you will see howmuch it will be worth
Page Down Warhammer
I believe Snodaard the 50k+ Might be an inflated price for the novelty value, if novelty means nothing to you (Like it does for me) then mixed dye is worth nothing.
it honestly depends on which colour it is too, something like Pink is gunna be worth alot more then light blue, but yes, most I see selling for 50k+,
Stop The Storm
i bought many for 20-30k, but i also sold them all for 50k/ea
I believe Snodaard the 50k+ Might be an inflated price for the novelty value, if novelty means nothing to you (Like it does for me) then mixed dye is worth nothing.
Well good for you - many want to get colors that are far different than you can create now - this is not the "post your opinions" forum - you don't like it then don't post - you are not helping anyone.
Rushin Roulette
Which colour are you talking about here? The prices can range between absolutely worthless to 50K+. A bit more information or a screenshot would be useful.
King Bannian
Agreed with general consensus of ~50k.
Although they can be found for cheaper.
King Vesica XLL
Although they can be found for cheaper.
King Vesica XLL