Can't Reset Password
Ok I don't know where to ask this ,but heres my Qs why don't the password reset on guildwars work I click password reset write my email down (it say your reset pass has been sent to (the email) ) but it don't even show up in my email box nothing! im so frustrated I don't want to not be able to ever go back on my account cause of this .that be 4years down the drain I shoulda just left all alone ,but I didn't now I got to suffer I emailed guildwars support like 4times (very impatient) and I feel bad for that ,but im so worried how come it ain't working and when will someone help me .... I know their busy and all ,but im going crazy I feel like such and idiot
If you already have sent an support ticket to NCsoft their is nothing more you do can but wait for a response, if you are able to prove that you are the owner of the account NCsoft can and will restore it to you, but as of late since the new security features implemented into Guild Wars, their has been a very high volume of tickets submitted so you must, in a since wait your turn in line, it really doesn't matter how many tickets you submit it wont make things go any faster, in fact it may slow things down, making yours, and everyone else's wait longer.
pumpkin pie
Same problem but I still can login with my old password. talk about weird, huh! Now i don't know if I should go ahead changing my password or just be very paranoid and use the old one.