Heya! So ive collected many mods&weps, that i want to sell..
i reserve to not sell,sell ingame etc
I will post an Bid, and if u think its to high, put ur bid, and i might reconsider

Please leave ur IGN or Pm me after bid [Oscar The Lord].
So, the stuff :
Req 9 Gold Ebon Deldrimor sword- Ebon, rest clean- 10 k [SOLD]
Req 10 Gold Platinum Broadsword- not modded-5 k [SOLD]
Req 9 Gold Jade Sword - Vampiric, rest not modded-15 k [SOLD]
Perfect Sundering mod -2k
Perfect Vampiric mod-2 k
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Req 11 Gold Icy Blade axe -not modded - 10 k
Req 10 Gold Chaos axe -+20%hex,+30hp,zealous- 10 k
Perfect Vampiric mod x2 - 2 K(each)
Perfect Enchanting mod- 2 k
Perfect Zealous mod - 2 k
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Perfect Zealous mod-2 k (x3)
Perfect Vampiric mod - 2 k (x3)
Perfect "Of Dragonslaying"mod -5 K
Perfect "Of Demonslaying"mod -5 k
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
req 10-Tact- Darkwing Defender,Gold-not modded -5 k [SOLD]
Armor+10 vs : Slashing, Piercing(x2),Blunt,Cold, Earth Damage- 2 K ea
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wand&Wandmods :
Memory mod (HRT) x4 - 5 k ea
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Staffs&Staff mods:
Req 9-10-11-12-13(air) Dolyak Prod staffs - Not modded -10+=5 k,req9=10 k
Req 9 Death magic Oldschool Bone staff -HCT 20%,+5 Energy, rest not modded - 10 k
Perfect Hale Mod -2 k
Perfect Insigthfull Mod- 2 k
Perfect Defensive Mod -2 k
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Req 9 Gold Zealous Draconic Spear of Enchanting [Zealous, +20%enchant,+5Energy] - 30 k
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bows&Bowmods :
Perfect Fortitude -3 K
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other stuff:
15^50 inscript-1 K
"I Have The Power" - 2 K
Will add more&Remove as i get -Got any questions, Pm Me [email protected] The Lord
Happy bidding!