WTS Bulk - Party/Sweet/Drunkard Pts

I Farm Titles For You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009

All And Any Items Will Be Sold If R/B is met if there r no further offers...


Set 1<------SOLD!!!
2000party points (consist of Poppers,Rockets, Sparklers,--Maybe Some Ghost,Serums,Snowman)
R/B is 260g ea...

Set 2<------SOLD!!!
2000party points (consist of Poppers,Rockets, Sparklers,--Maybe Some Ghost,Serums,Snowman)
R/B is 260g ea...

Set 3<------SOLD!!!
2000party points (consist of Poppers,Rockets, Sparklers,--Maybe Some Ghost,Serums,Snowman)
R/B is 260g ea...

Set 4<------SOLD!!!
2000party points (consist of Poppers,Rockets, Sparklers,--Maybe Some Ghost,Serums,Snowman)
R/B is 260g ea...

Set 5<------SOLD!!!
2000party points (consist of Poppers,Rockets, Sparklers,--Maybe Some Ghost,Serums,Snowman)
R/B is 260g ea...

Set 6<------SOLD!!!
2000party points (consist of Poppers,Rockets, Sparklers,--Maybe Some Ghost,Serums,Snowman)
R/B is 260g ea...

Set 7<------SOLD!!!
2000party points (consist of Poppers,Rockets, Sparklers,--Maybe Some Ghost,Serums,Snowman)
R/B is 260g ea...

Set 8<------SOLD!!!
2000party points (consist of Poppers,Rockets, Sparklers,--Maybe Some Ghost,Serums,Snowman)
R/B is 260g ea...


Spam-able Sweets

Set 1<------SOLD!!!
1000sweet pts (consist of all Jars Of Honey- r 2 sweet pts each)
R/B is 175g per pt...

Set 2<------SOLD!!!
1000sweet pts (consist of all Jars Of Honey- r 2 sweet pts each)
R/B is 175g per pt...

Set 3<------SOLD!!!
1000sweet pts (consist of all Jars Of Honey- r 2 sweet pts each)
R/B is 175g per pt...

Set 4<------SOLD!!!
1000sweet pts (consist of all Jars Of Honey- r 2 sweet pts each)
R/B is 175g per pt...


Aged Hunter Ales (Drunkard)

Set 1
1000Aged Hunter's Ales (consist of all Aged Ales- they r lvl 5alcohols)
R/B is 315g per Ale

Set 2
1000Aged Hunter's Ales (consist of all Aged Ales- they r lvl 5alcohols)
R/B is 315g per Ale

Set 3
1000Aged Hunter's Ales (consist of all Aged Ales- they r lvl 5alcohols)
R/B is 315g per Ale

Set 4
1000Aged Hunter's Ales (consist of all Aged Ales- they r lvl 5alcohols)
R/B is 315g per Ale

Set 5
1000Aged Hunter's Ales (consist of all Aged Ales- they r lvl 5alcohols)
R/B is 315g per Ale


Hunter Ales (Drunkard)

Set 1
1000Hunter Ales ( consist of all Hunter Ales- they are lvl 1alcohols)
R/B 105g per Ale

Set 2
1000Hunter Ales ( consist of all Hunter Ales- they are lvl 1alcohols)
R/B 105g per Ale

Set 3
1000Hunter Ales ( consist of all Hunter Ales- they are lvl 1alcohols)
R/B 105g per Ale

Set 4
1000Hunter Ales ( consist of all Hunter Ales- they are lvl 1alcohols)
R/B 105g per Ale



Accepting Ecto at 7k ea.
Z-Keys at 4k ea.

Leave Your IGN wat item and wat set you would like

Any And All Items Will Be Sold If R/B is Met if there r no other offers...

Mods Plz Close Any other Threads i may still have Open Ty.

EDITED by Engage for the following Guidelines Violation: Improper Thread Title
You are allowed only one "divider" symbol between items/categories and none at the beginning of your title. A simple description will suffice.
You may not promote your thread above other threads with words such as, "awesome" or "the best!"

Consider this a warning. If it happens again your thread will be closed.

Please read our
Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.

Mods Close Plz Ty

Luna zur

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2010


I buy all your part point and all your sweet point

IG : Luna Zur

EDITED by Engage
for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-Bid
Post a bid or do not post.
Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email.
Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post.
In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban.

Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.

I Farm Titles For You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009

b u m p

I Farm Titles For You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009

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