Armor graphics appear low
Hey all, I've had guild wars for almost 4 years now, and recently I've noticed that some armors (for example, warrior obsidian and primeval) appear as they do on low graphics settings, even though I have all the graphics maxes. I compared it side-by-side with my friend as he looked at low graphics and high graphics, and mine looked like his at the low setting, but when my friend put it at max, it looked much better.
I'll attach a picture of the obsi armor.
I'll attach a picture of the obsi armor.
Gill Halendt
Have you been using KSMod?
Armors on other player will appear in low-resolution in outposts by design. Since the last update, legacy graphics.dll libraries are not loaded anymore, so KSMod stopped working.
Armors on other player will appear in low-resolution in outposts by design. Since the last update, legacy graphics.dll libraries are not loaded anymore, so KSMod stopped working.
I have never used any mods.
"Armors on other player will appear in low-resolution in outposts by design." Is that for GW in general, or for the KSMod?
"Armors on other player will appear in low-resolution in outposts by design." Is that for GW in general, or for the KSMod?
Thats for the game in general Kuntz (did i spell that right?) the creator of the mod didn't like it and wanted to see other peoples armor in high res so created the mod to do such
Have you been using KSMod?
Armors on other player will appear in low-resolution in outposts by design. Since the last update, legacy graphics.dll libraries are not loaded anymore, so KSMod stopped working. |
The automated loading of a graphics.dll in the Guild Wars folder has been disabled; however, it is still possible to inject the dll manually. |
Gill Halendt
"Armors on other player will appear in low-resolution in outposts by design." Is that for GW in general, or for the KSMod?
Now every modern system is capable of rendering hi-resolution textures in outposts without any significant performance issue, so KSMod was used to avoid this.
It worked by having its code loaded together with the GW.EXE executable:
Graphics.dll is a legacy DLL used early in the development of the game by ATI and nVidia to test out quick driver/DX8/DX9 fixes in the game without needing to recompile. While messing around with GW.EXE I noticed it looked for a file called Graphics.DLL and if it existed, loaded it up and executed an exported function. I used this "trick" to get GW to automatically load my mods |
Google says hi 
maybe this?
I am in no way endorsing these methods nor recommending the download of any files you may come across directly or indirectly due to my link. Thank you have a nice day.

maybe this?
I am in no way endorsing these methods nor recommending the download of any files you may come across directly or indirectly due to my link. Thank you have a nice day.
Yea, ever since Arena.Net disabled .dll we are forced to look at armor in HORRIBLE quality in-town. Havign said that, KSMOD no longer works.
WTB aNet to spend 10 minutes of their time putting a tab into "options" that allows us to force all textures to be shown in their highest quality. Q_Q
WTB aNet to spend 10 minutes of their time putting a tab into "options" that allows us to force all textures to be shown in their highest quality. Q_Q
So my understanding of this thread is that you can no longer inject graphics.dll into gw.exe?