Huge lag, but only in Guild Wars?!
Slasher of Darkness
Hey there, since 2 days ago, I have started having huge lag in GW, it's constant and it's even hard to move around. Everything else though, works normally, my internet connection is as it used to be. And my ping in CoD 4 remains around the same as it's always been, it's very weird :S I remember I ran an ad-aware scan that same night it started lagging and I removed some cookies and one suspicious file, so I dunno. I was wondering maybe some of you tech savvy guys here could help me find a solution? Thanks

Obviously it is ANet preparing for the HUGE skill update.
Slasher of Darkness
Rofl..apparently, cause one of my guildies was also lagging a bit..but not as hard as me -.- So yeah I guess it's ANet's side..
Lol - read up on the internet and how it works.
I don't know how anyone could think that preparing for a skill update would cause the game to lag (and, for only some people too).
I don't know how anyone could think that preparing for a skill update would cause the game to lag (and, for only some people too).

Slasher of Darkness
I bet he was sarcastic or something..yeh anyway...I still don't get it..must be ANet I guess, cause CoD 4 remains the same and so on. So I dunno, the weird thing is I asked my alliance and most of them don't have anything.
A guild member of mine had the same problem a few months ago. He went through Anet support and went back and forth two or three times as support tried to help him figure out what was up. One night he had an idea and deleted his .DAT file from his Guild Wars folder and pulled the .DAT file from his brother's computer (so he didn't have to re-download it all) and it was fixed. It don't understand why but that fixed all of his lag issues, if you have a spare comp with GW loaded up on it try that, otherwise delete the .DAT and just open GW again to let it download the files again. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell ya man.
you could also run the diagnosis tool of gw and send the results to the support.
Slasher of Darkness
A guild member of mine had the same problem a few months ago. He went through Anet support and went back and forth two or three times as support tried to help him figure out what was up. One night he had an idea and deleted his .DAT file from his Guild Wars folder and pulled the .DAT file from his brother's computer (so he didn't have to re-download it all) and it was fixed. It don't understand why but that fixed all of his lag issues, if you have a spare comp with GW loaded up on it try that, otherwise delete the .DAT and just open GW again to let it download the files again. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell ya man.

Devastating Flames
i think antest doing something all right my sound when i cast spells have stopped working and yes i delted my . dat file and -image the thing and stillnothing my grenth costumes still messed up with a graphic glitch and now on another person account hes graphics arnt displying properly in guild wars any more but just guild wars what are they doing to the game!!
Bob Slydell
i think antest doing something all right my sound when i cast spells have stopped working and yes i delted my . dat file and -image the thing and stillnothing my grenth costumes still messed up with a graphic glitch and now on another person account hes graphics arnt displying properly in guild wars any more but just guild wars what are they doing to the game!!
Slasher of Darkness
Well I redownloaded the .dat and wow, it works kinda ...maybe it just was a breeze of lag that is gone now but..anyway it worked..thx