Gulfstream Owners Club [GS] Recruiting

Stop The Storm

Stop The Storm

Keeping DoA Alive

Join Date: Jan 2007


Were In [DoA]


GS is primarily a DoASC guild with many active members (18+). We do daily DoASC (3-5 runs a day, more on weekends). We are leaders of the GS alliance which is currently being developed. We have 2 big active guilds so far, LOD and Ectos, who do various stuff besides DoA.

Our current DoA record is 39 minutes.

Our current FoW record is 11 minutes.

We're looking for active players who are willing to listen, learn and become regular players in our core teams.

Our criteria;

- 2 characters at DoA (Ele/Mesmer/Monk/Assassin) with preferably R8 LB and R10SS

- Ventrillo with preferably a working microphone

- A sense of humour and able to take general banter

If you would like to join the guild, then visit our forums, create an application and we'll take you on a DoA trial run.
