I have some weird grafics prob when i am in an Explorable Area the landscape switch colors like the grass turns black and the road yellow.:confused
Does anyone know how to solove this prob?
Weird landscape
ican the farmer
Dont Nerf The Perma
Are you running anyu text mods? If so try it without them. If it's still happening try lowering your graphics settings
update your current or get a new graphic card
thats how you solve it
thats how you solve it
ican the farmer
no not running any tex mods atm, i will try to update my grafic card
Thanks for the quick responses
Thanks for the quick responses
Bob Slydell
Uninstall and reinstall graphics drivers.
Elder III
if changing/updating the video card drivers does not help, then you most likely have a corrupted gw.dat file - or possibly a dying video card.