Mods pls close thread sold all equipment to Wolf
EDITED by LicensedLuny: Moved to the section where it belongs! Remember, High-end is only for items/packages that are 100k+. Sell is for items/packages less than 100k. The buy section is only for buying items/packages. You can ask fellow members about prices in our Price Check forum. You may remove this message once you have read and understood it.
WTS 5 Large Equipment packs
Squalus the Ipno
10k/each on all 5.
IGN: Holy Latham
IGN: Holy Latham
20k ea, all 5
ign wolf sabian
ign wolf sabian
30k each all 5
IGN: eluvatar the second
IGN: eluvatar the second
Squalus the Ipno
35k on 2
the mordiego
the mordiego
35k on 2 more
plum peach
plum peach
Buy out on all 5
ign wolf sabian
can't get in game atm, i'll be able to get in game in about 2 hours or so
ign wolf sabian
can't get in game atm, i'll be able to get in game in about 2 hours or so