Does anyone else really like costumes?
Strangely enough, those things look mighty fine. Perhaps it is the cloak on Grenth's Regalia, perhaps it is the way they resolved the notion of having a full-bodied garb, perhaps it is the fact that it is a perfectly useless, yet incredibly nifty looking object, like the best pve awards out there.
So.....can we have more of them?
The obvious ones are the other three gods. But there are plenty more possibilities which would make the game look fantastic, things that were not included earlier because they were full-body garb.
For example?
-Boss Costumes, visages of the Lich, Shiro, Varesh/Abaddon, and a humanoid-ish Destroyer suit.
-Profession Specific: The Assassins from Togo's Story. Rurik and Turai Ossa's armor. Togo's pimp suit. Mursaat robes.
-Faction garb: Kurzick, Luxon, Jade Brotherhood, White Mantle, Ebon Vanguard, Kournan, Corsair, the Shining Blade, Ghostly Hero, Zaishen, etc. Many of these factions have interesting and nifty appearances which rely on full-body garb, the kind that could be duplicated in costume form.
Beyond the rabid listing, though? The costume is a really nifty idea which could offer a great set of new rewards.
Get the Guardian title of a specific campaign to unlock the boss monster's costume.
Obtain rank to unlock Zaishen garb, with more intricate patterns for higher ranks.
Cash in ectoplasm for a Ghostly Costume.
Go on treasure hunts, like the black moa chick search, to assemble garb of special opponent factions, gathering all manner of parts from those zones.
Climb to the top of the challenge mission ladder, acquire ownership of a town, or gain maximum alliance rank for a costume from your chosen side.
Find all the secrets of each bonus mission pack story to unlock the disguise elsewhere.
Complete all quests from a campaign setting to obtain royal rewards, such as Emperor Kisu's bathrobe of awesomeness.
Etc. Costumes offer the chance of a customized piece, something not obtainable by simple drops alone, which can be used to reinvigorate empty zones and send people seeking across the lands once again.
So, would people like to see more of them?
So.....can we have more of them?
The obvious ones are the other three gods. But there are plenty more possibilities which would make the game look fantastic, things that were not included earlier because they were full-body garb.
For example?
-Boss Costumes, visages of the Lich, Shiro, Varesh/Abaddon, and a humanoid-ish Destroyer suit.
-Profession Specific: The Assassins from Togo's Story. Rurik and Turai Ossa's armor. Togo's pimp suit. Mursaat robes.
-Faction garb: Kurzick, Luxon, Jade Brotherhood, White Mantle, Ebon Vanguard, Kournan, Corsair, the Shining Blade, Ghostly Hero, Zaishen, etc. Many of these factions have interesting and nifty appearances which rely on full-body garb, the kind that could be duplicated in costume form.
Beyond the rabid listing, though? The costume is a really nifty idea which could offer a great set of new rewards.
Get the Guardian title of a specific campaign to unlock the boss monster's costume.
Obtain rank to unlock Zaishen garb, with more intricate patterns for higher ranks.
Cash in ectoplasm for a Ghostly Costume.
Go on treasure hunts, like the black moa chick search, to assemble garb of special opponent factions, gathering all manner of parts from those zones.
Climb to the top of the challenge mission ladder, acquire ownership of a town, or gain maximum alliance rank for a costume from your chosen side.
Find all the secrets of each bonus mission pack story to unlock the disguise elsewhere.
Complete all quests from a campaign setting to obtain royal rewards, such as Emperor Kisu's bathrobe of awesomeness.
Etc. Costumes offer the chance of a customized piece, something not obtainable by simple drops alone, which can be used to reinvigorate empty zones and send people seeking across the lands once again.
So, would people like to see more of them?
Don't,,,,,,,,,,,,encourage,,,,,,,,,,micro transactions.
THere's no way anet will add all this for a cosmetic for free, they will charge for it.
THere's no way anet will add all this for a cosmetic for free, they will charge for it.
drunk n angry
i've been begging for a costume for halloween time for years now. finally they made it happen
yay! they could also make off the wall ones like mad king thorn! santa claus! heck yes i'd love to have more of them and hell i'd even pay for them. who cares if they charge for it, if you want it buy it, if you dont then dont, simple as that. they dont charge you per month so why shouldnt they offer elite items for sale through micro stores? i'm all for this. good job anet!.

Costumes were cool the first 10 mins, now everyone looks alike. I can't tell females from males, let alone the different professions from each other. If the costumes looked different for every profession, then I would be all for more.
I like the look, but there's no way I would fork out good hard cash for them.
This I actually wouldn't mind... black moa chick hunt was fun.
Go on treasure hunts, like the black moa chick search, to assemble garb of special opponent factions, gathering all manner of parts from those zones. |
I love the costumes. I hope ANET makes more. If they are in micro-transactions, I will still pay for them.
It would be nice to see some other costumes so not everyone looks the same in town.
I wouldn't pay money for any of this but I would like to see different costumes because seeing Dwayna and Grenth avatars everywhere is just annoying.
I wouldn't pay money for any of this but I would like to see different costumes because seeing Dwayna and Grenth avatars everywhere is just annoying.
Love the idea of unlockable costumes... and NOT micro tranactions..
Would not take too long, cuz most of the costumes/skins are allrdy in the game.
Love the idea of unlockable costumes... and NOT micro tranactions..
Would not take too long, cuz most of the costumes/skins are allrdy in the game.

Do I like costumes? Seriously, my female assassin can finally wield a katana and slaughter monsters in a white wedding dress, it doesn't get much better than that! 
I believe that this is a feature that was conceived for GW2 and got backported to GW1. I expect to see more options in GW2 (e.g., it is almost certain that the armor section of HoM will unlock a costume, not any pieces of actual armor). GW1 will most likely get a Halloween set as well but other than that I'm a bit skeptic.

I believe that this is a feature that was conceived for GW2 and got backported to GW1. I expect to see more options in GW2 (e.g., it is almost certain that the armor section of HoM will unlock a costume, not any pieces of actual armor). GW1 will most likely get a Halloween set as well but other than that I'm a bit skeptic.
I expect to see more options in GW2 (e.g., it is almost certain that the armor section of HoM will unlock a costume, not any pieces of actual armor).
GW1 will most likely get a Halloween set as well but other than that I'm a bit skeptic.
Finally to the OP, I would welcome more costumes on these conditions:
1)No microtransactions, make quests and items that must be attained in game to unlock them
2)Turned off in PvE zones.
3)Large variety, Sunspear costumes, Kurz/Lux, and typical townclothes costumes depending on what campaign your character comes from.
4)Effort goes into the GAME first. Not these.
Not only do the above conditions need to be met for me to accept them in GW2, but in GW2 the costume thing needs to be looked at and possibly broken down into its various components.
Gill Halendt
Don't have your expectations set too high. We already know we won't get ANYTHING substantial for our HoM, so most likely a cumulative and cosmetic bonus only.
I wouldn't expect anything more than stuff like an artwork gallery of your ancestors' accomplishments, and maybe something to show that you were there in GW1 as well (a title, if GW2 will feature them, or whatever).
I don't think neither the costume designer nor the 3D modeller are involved in ANY way into the skill balancing process.
I wouldn't expect anything more than stuff like an artwork gallery of your ancestors' accomplishments, and maybe something to show that you were there in GW1 as well (a title, if GW2 will feature them, or whatever).
I don't think neither the costume designer nor the 3D modeller are involved in ANY way into the skill balancing process.
And you base your information on what? A mini is also purely cosmetic. However the rare ones........'so dont underestimate the power.
Gill Halendt
And you base your information on what? A mini is also purely cosmetic. However the rare ones........'so dont underestimate the power.
Valuable items would give you an economic advantage. So, if anything, they would be non tradeable, just to show-off. Nothing different from a title, or whatever.
Don't,,,,,,,,,,,,encourage,,,,,,,,,,micro transactions.
THere's no way anet will add all this for a cosmetic for free, they will charge for it. |
I wouldn't really want boss costumes, but I might like stuff like the White Mantle or Jade Brotherhood.
Yes, my opinions are completely arbitrary when it comes to such things.
Eragon Zarroc
i think they are kinda corny, but with the success of the 1st ones, im sure that there will be many more to come

Dytonis Strom
Totally need more. I have both. And even for a price it would be cool to see more.
It's been stated multiple times by developers: even though the link between the two games hasn't been defined yet, whatever reward you'll get won't have any significant impact in the next game, nor it will give any advantage over new players.
Valuable items would give you an economic advantage. So, if anything, they would be non tradeable, just to show-off. Nothing different from a title, or whatever. |
NEVER has it been stated that the rewards wont be tradable. You assume this; but that is your own personal opinion. Your intiteld to one; but dont state it as fact.
Anet has rewarded players with economical benefits before. I need only to point to the birthday miniatures.
Sufice me to say lets wait and see.
pplleeeaassseee anet make some kind of new blindfold ;o like black or something I hate the purple color on the ones in game

Gill Halendt
NEVER has it been stated that the rewards wont be tradable.
Not "fact", I admit it. I just told him not to set his expectations too high, that's all. If I were him I wouldn't expect "items" as rewards, not a specific item for each accomplishment at least.
If items is what we're going to get, I wouldn't expect anything so rare and special to make a player istantly uber-rich from the start. We know by Gaile those rewards are being planned not to give unfair advantages over new players, GW2 being a fresh start for everyone. (it's somewhere on her Wiki, I really can't find it anymore, so not just an assumption).
... nor that those "rewards" will be concrete in any way.
Not "fact", I admit it. I just told him not to set his expectations too high, that's all. If I were him I wouldn't expect "items" as rewards, not a specific item for each accomplishment at least. If items is what we're going to get, I wouldn't expect anything so rare and special to make a player istantly uber-rich from the start. We know by Gaile those rewards are being planned not to give unfair advantages over new players, GW2 being a fresh start for everyone. (it's somewhere on her Wiki, I really can't find it anymore, so not just an assumption). |
go cubs
i wouldnt mind if some of the costumes were only available by purchase, but make others available in game too..
Gill Halendt
Currency has never been viewed by anet as an "unfair advantage."
Its only a way by which "leet" players can distinguish themselves.
So what stuff do I actually get in GW2 from putting things in the Hall of Monuments? There isn't any word on this. Anything you get from Guild Wars won't give you a permanent advantage over new GW2 players. Basically, expect cosmetic stuff with stats that new GW2 players will be able to achieve by playing GW2. |
Shayne Hawke
I very much doubt that they will have made this system just to put out two costumes. Getting more of them in the future is extremely likely.
Yes I like costumes and would like to see many variations in clothing as well as variations in armour.
Would have been great to have a much greater clothing variation amongst the players in towns.
I assume the only reason it never happened was that there are some parts of the game where identifying a players profession by sight was important.
I would say it adds to the fun if you could only identify a profession by what they do not how they look but that's just me.
Still they didn't put it into the game and I somehow doubt it will be part of GW2
Would have been great to have a much greater clothing variation amongst the players in towns.
I assume the only reason it never happened was that there are some parts of the game where identifying a players profession by sight was important.
I would say it adds to the fun if you could only identify a profession by what they do not how they look but that's just me.
Still they didn't put it into the game and I somehow doubt it will be part of GW2
That must be the reason why preorder/bonus weapons cannot be traded. Go figure.
That's exactly what I've been saying so far: cosmetic bonuses. I expect nothing more than this. Also, preorder/bonus items make me think those bonuses will be very personal, hence probably not tradeable. BTW: There you go. From the FAQ on the Official GW2Wiki and the Official Website. |
No advantage. Cosmetic yes; but never the less profitable. Will the casual player care? No; because its purely cosmetic; but never the less leet.
As stated by Anet every monument will come with its own special reward/ benefit.
For example a (maxed) monument of devotion could unlock a mini otherwise unavailable to regular gw2 players. No advantage; yet tradeable. Granted if 1 million people have a full HoM by the time GW2 is released the mini wont be so rare. We'll just have to wait and see.
The monument of valor will unlock unique weapon skins. Be it greens or golds. Again unavailable to other players. No advantage; get the point.
Unlike the BMP weapons; I believe that HoM weapons will be tradeable; and here is why. BMP weapons have max stats and are unlocked by a comand line. It makes no sense to introduce a non-max weapon as a reward at the start of GW2. It makes more sense and Anet has stated so; that these items (weapons) will become available/ unlock via quests/ missions in the course of the campaign. Talk to an NPC. Get your shinny.
Resilience dido. At the end of the campaign an NPC will offer exclusive armor only available tot HoM achievers.
Fellowship some exclusive charmable companion; and honor some unique emote.
So there's my 2censt.
We'll have to wait and see.
pumpkin pie
I very much doubt that they will have made this system just to put out two costumes. Getting more of them in the future is extremely likely.
Not really liking the costume since everyone is running around looking identical.
Gill Halendt
You tend to forget that Anet has always made a point to reward early investors. Hence the birthday mini. Cosmetic 100%. No advantage. Except that the first people to get them sell them for 10x the value 1 year afther release.
If anything, millions of current players will get the same, and it won't be worth anything significant when sold, if tradable at all. Being able to trade those "benefits" kinda defeats the purpose of linking the games.
As stated by Anet every monument will come with its own special reward/ benefit.
All this debate started because some guy with Obsidian Armor expects some special reward just because he added his Obsidian Armor in the Monument of Resilience. This is not likely to happen. My guess is, any filled Monument of Resilience will give pretty much the same benefit in the end.
Just that.
The fact I expect a costume or a cute accessory while you expect an uber-leet armor is a matter of personality, I tend to be pretty cautious with expectations to avoid disappointment.
Agree, let's wait and see.
Skyy High
We also know from a more recent post by the developers team that each monument will get a specific reward; so for some items is a likely option. Currency has never been viewed by anet as an "unfair advantage." Its only a way by which "leet" players can distinguish themselves.
To which I responded "Not so...The costumes cost the same $10 you spent buying online gold"
And he left the town....
To which I responded "Not so...The costumes cost the same $10 you spent buying online gold"
And he left the town....
Lord Dagon
I personally like the idea of getting some new costumes.
Now, while i love my new costumes, i really want to see ALOT of them added at once so that you dont get what is happening right now.(everyone wearing the exact same thing).
So, i would be willing to pay for it, but only if they add alot of them at once so we can promote individuality.
So, if a micro transaction needs to happen to get costumes fine by me. I'd love to increase my e-peen(whihc is practically none exstant) for a few bucks.
Now, while i love my new costumes, i really want to see ALOT of them added at once so that you dont get what is happening right now.(everyone wearing the exact same thing).
So, i would be willing to pay for it, but only if they add alot of them at once so we can promote individuality.
So, if a micro transaction needs to happen to get costumes fine by me. I'd love to increase my e-peen(whihc is practically none exstant) for a few bucks.
I love it! And i would really like to see more.... i hope we get an opportunity with events to obtain new ones.
I love the costumes, and while I currently don't actually wear them overly much (due to the fact that everyone else only has the same two styles atm) I would very much like to see more. Perhaps some can be micro-transaction style, others could be a new festival reward alongside or replacing the festival hats, and perhaps some could be new quest rewards like your suggestion with having a black moa chick style scavenger hunt.
I'm all for it! They wouldn't have added a whole new equipment slot for just two costumes, I just hope there's a mix of free in game varieties and micro-transaction types that way everyone is happy and there's plenty of variety to go around.
Also on a side note, to those upset that it's now hard to tell what class any given person is in costume get used to it, a recent interview about GW2 had the devs stating that armor is going to be split into light, medium, and heavy lines with any class able to wear any look, so sins and rangers can wear the same outfit, etc and so forth.
I'm all for it! They wouldn't have added a whole new equipment slot for just two costumes, I just hope there's a mix of free in game varieties and micro-transaction types that way everyone is happy and there's plenty of variety to go around.
Also on a side note, to those upset that it's now hard to tell what class any given person is in costume get used to it, a recent interview about GW2 had the devs stating that armor is going to be split into light, medium, and heavy lines with any class able to wear any look, so sins and rangers can wear the same outfit, etc and so forth.
I think this 2 new costumes are just a test. Testing the community to see how they react to this (and make threads like this one) so they know if making a lot of costumes for GW2 will be profitable.
Bob Slydell
Hahaha, I never knew that (I didn't buy them) but I had to go look on the wiki about it. That is amazing. Another subject of "you buy now, we want money but we'll [bullshit]fix[/bullshit] it later" sort of deal. Amazing.
Currency has never been viewed by anet as an "unfair advantage." Its only a way by which "leet" players can distinguish themselves.
the PvE gear means they can "go wild" as already suggested in an interview.
i like the fact that black and white dye has gone up in price because of them. I honestly think that micro-transactions should not mess with the in-game economy though. the costumes should have a color selector like in the pvp armor window so that it doesn't effect the in-game economy.
I do like them quite a bit. But I don't really want to pay for more down the road.

I'd would like an option to try them on the custume makers.
I won't pay for a costume if don't really like how it looks on my characters.
I won't pay for a costume if don't really like how it looks on my characters.