Sea Purse Shield

Wolfgang Bane

Wolfgang Bane

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Explicit Tempests [TExT]


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Wolfgang Bane

Wolfgang Bane

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Explicit Tempests [TExT]



How this for too short?


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

For every answer, I'm talking about the blank weapon/shield/offhand. Check through the mod pc thread to see which salvageable mods you should remove and sell separately.

r9 gold Sea Purse Shield
- There aren't a lot of these around for sale, but there doesn't seem to be a big demand for them either. If you find a fan of the skin looking for one specifically, I don't think 15-20k is unreasonable. You may have to settle for significantly less if you just want to sell it fast and not spend much time trading.

r9 ES Iridescent Prism (assuming gold)
- I see these semi-regularly on clearout-type threads for 5-10k, I think. I doubt you'll easily be able to get much more.

r9 insc. Elonian-skin Gladius (assuming gold)
- I would guess 10-15k is fair, but I'm not positive.

r9 insc. Vabbian Scimitar (assuming gold again)
- These can vary a lot from what I've seen, but I'd guess the average these days is probably near the low side of 10-20k

r11 and r10 insc. Celestial Longbow (just going to assume everything is gold and stop typing it.)
- I'm not at all sure of Celestial pricing, but I highly doubt these are merch food - especially if you're going to be selling everything at once.

r9 insc Platinum Longbow
- I used to think these were oversupplied and just about always merch-5k range, but lately I've heard one can still get 15kish for these.

r9 15stance (inherent) Eternal Bow
- I doubt it's merch food, but I'm not at all sure of fair price. 15stance damage mods are usually not as popular on bows as they are on Warrior weapons, but this is still a pretty popular skin. I would think at least 10-15k, but that could be too low.

Cheers & GL