Hi all, I'm new here. I was given some gold weapons, Here they are.
1: Greater sage blade of shelter, 15-22 req 9, armor +7, 'measure for measure', highly salvageable.
2:Fiery blade axe of fortitude, 6-28, req 12, health+29, 'don't fear the reaper', damage+19 while hexed.
3:Gloom shield of valor, armor 16, req 13 tactics, health+59 while hexed, 'strength of body', reduces Deep wound duration 20%
What do you think? Worth selling (what price), or salvaging?
-rsslcs (Rss Lcs in GW)
3 gold weapons.
King Bannian
1. 1k or merch.
2. merch
3. merch
King Vesica XLL
2. merch
3. merch
King Vesica XLL
agree with #1
#2 3k maybe
#3 5k maybe
#2 3k maybe
#3 5k maybe