Game update 1/18/2010
Cale Roughstar
I lol'ed.
Whoever thinks hammers are bad obviously doesn't know how to play the game or put bars togeather.
As for this update, in the words of the International Man of Mystery, "Whoop de-doo Basil".
Whoever thinks hammers are bad obviously doesn't know how to play the game or put bars togeather.
As for this update, in the words of the International Man of Mystery, "Whoop de-doo Basil".
Sir Cusfreak
Zos Shivros fix, part 1.
this update doesnt fix the biggest problem, but its a great step in the right direction, and I'm very gald to see it happen.
I'm still sad the people who exploited that bug (and the scum who post instructions on how to exploit that bug for the other degenerates to follow) werent banned, they definitely deserved it. but it's still a great addition to the otherwise "meh" update.
Thanks for that one.
this update doesnt fix the biggest problem, but its a great step in the right direction, and I'm very gald to see it happen.
I'm still sad the people who exploited that bug (and the scum who post instructions on how to exploit that bug for the other degenerates to follow) werent banned, they definitely deserved it. but it's still a great addition to the otherwise "meh" update.
Thanks for that one.
Zos Shivros? Man, why do I always find out about game breaking farms/exploits AFTER they are fixed. Like the Urgoz hopping vampire farm.
Zos Shivros fix, part 1.
this update doesnt fix the biggest problem, but its a great step in the right direction, and I'm very gald to see it happen. I'm still sad the people who exploited that bug (and the scum who post instructions on how to exploit that bug for the other degenerates to follow) werent banned, they definitely deserved it. but it's still a great addition to the otherwise "meh" update. Thanks for that one. |
How am I going to do JQ if they nerf Shadow Form?
Its the only way I get get my ele bomber close enough to blast the crud out of the shrines.
NECRO Bomber build HERE I COME!!!
Its the only way I get get my ele bomber close enough to blast the crud out of the shrines.
NECRO Bomber build HERE I COME!!!
Karate Jesus
Zos Shivros fix, part 1.
this update doesnt fix the biggest problem, but its a great step in the right direction, and I'm very gald to see it happen. I'm still sad the people who exploited that bug (and the scum who post instructions on how to exploit that bug for the other degenerates to follow) werent banned, they definitely deserved it. but it's still a great addition to the otherwise "meh" update. Thanks for that one. |
I'm a little worried about the bug fix, though. As soon as the Fast Faction SC's are nerfed (because of shadow form and 600's), I'm worried that it will only be inviting more botting into the game.
Without the afk farm and SC's, I think people will probably be more tempted to bot. Hell, the instructions to do it are already posted everywhere.
/sigh JQ and FA are about to get worse

Originally Posted by Hawk of Storms
Zos Shivros? Man, why do I always find out about game breaking farms/exploits AFTER they are fixed. Like the Urgoz hopping vampire farm.
Another Felldspar
It wasn't very "game breaking". It took around 14 hours of afk to actually get a full faction bar. So...I really didn't see how it was so bad.
I didn't bitch about hero fast faction farming, I don't bitch about speed clears or SF or anything else that doesn't directly (and by directly I'm not talking about the "economy") affect me. This particular exploit had direct effect on real, legitimate players. I'm very glad to see it gone.
Regina Buenaobra
Looks like this means I'll get half my money.
Thank you for the heads up Regina.
(and the money too.)
Thank you for the heads up Regina.
(and the money too.)
The Drunkard
Day Trooper
Also, Wintersday Redux for a full week+? Wow - gogo MPB farm

Aussie Boy
Oh Noes now i have to fight and kill things to actually get the last 8mil lux points I need :P
Ok yeah I only found out about this "Glitch" last week about him getting stuck under the bridge.
Same as the Keg farm only found that a few days before it was nerfed
i'm always slow at finding these things out till it's too late. LOL
Ok yeah I only found out about this "Glitch" last week about him getting stuck under the bridge.
Same as the Keg farm only found that a few days before it was nerfed
i'm always slow at finding these things out till it's too late. LOL
What made this particular exploit so bad was that it prevented legitimate players from being able to hit the scoreboard. The challenge missions are all about the high score table -- this kept people who were going in and playing the game the right way (That means, at least partly, not sleeping while doing it.) from being able to accomplish that.
I didn't bitch about hero fast faction farming, I don't bitch about speed clears or SF or anything else that doesn't directly (and by directly I'm not talking about the "economy") affect me. This particular exploit had direct effect on real, legitimate players. I'm very glad to see it gone. |
The majority of people doing the AFK farm just filled their bars and zoned out to trade it in. Killing the adepts for points was a waste of precious AFK time, lol. The Luxons always have Jade Arena, lol. Not sure if the Kurz will have anything after the nerfs come as all their team build revolve around 600 and SF SC's.
Zahr Dalsk
ToA and Doomlore are going to be fun when SF gets nerfed.
They should have made this weekend "Double Zos Shivros Points Weekend" just to rub it in.
I'm a little worried about the bug fix, though. As soon as the Fast Faction SC's are nerfed (because of shadow form and 600's), I'm worried that it will only be inviting more botting into the game.
Without the afk farm and SC's, I think people will probably be more tempted to bot. Hell, the instructions to do it are already posted everywhere. /sigh JQ and FA are about to get worse ![]() |
Karate Jesus
What made this particular exploit so bad was that it prevented legitimate players from being able to hit the scoreboard.
There was no incentive for an AFK'er to make the scoreboard, seeing as they couldn't earn any more faction, and just so you know the people on the board are all real players (except for a few bots).
If you're upset that you couldn't make it, it has nothing to do with AFK' just means you're not very good at the arena....
Another Felldspar
I only know of 1 AFK'er who actually made the scoreboard, and that was because he afk'd for 3 days and then killed the adepts. And his score was like.....almost at the bottom.
There was no incentive for an AFK'er to make the scoreboard, seeing as they couldn't earn any more faction, and just so you know the people on the board are all real players (except for a few bots). If you're upset that you couldn't make it, it has nothing to do with AFK' just means you're not very good at the arena.... |
This shows how completely ignorant you are of the arena. Please note: ignorance is different than stupidity; ignorance can be cured. Go look at the scoreboard in Zos Shivros right now. See things like 127 points making the daily board? Know that until this update the bottom scores were in the 3,000 point range? Hmmm... I think something changed! Wonder what it might have been...
wow calm down.... like Drew Carey said. "The pts don't matter."
select Zos Shivros channel from the drop down under daily best
select Zos Shivros channel from the drop down under daily best
Karate Jesus
Really? Wow...
This shows how completely ignorant you are of the arena. Please note: ignorance is different than stupidity; ignorance can be cured. Go look at the scoreboard in Zos Shivros right now. See things like 127 points making the daily board? Know that until this update the bottom scores were in the 3,000 point range? Hmmm... I think something changed! Wonder what it might have been... |
Ups, you forgot about that now, didn't you?
Another Felldspar
and just so you know the people on the board are all real players (except for a few bots).
Oops... Guess you were just plain wrong about who/what was making the top scores, since it is obvious that this update has changed it.
AFK'ing for rewards is wrong, and whether the board is now opened up as a result of AFK'ers no longer being able to exploit the pathing or Bots no longer being able to use a certain .dll file doesn't really matter. The update fixed it, no matter what it was and that I'm very happy to see.
Karate Jesus
Sir Cusfreak
I only know of 1 AFK'er who actually made the scoreboard, and that was because he afk'd for 3 days and then killed the adepts. And his score was like.....almost at the bottom.
There was no incentive for an AFK'er to make the scoreboard, seeing as they couldn't earn any more faction, and just so you know the people on the board are all real players (except for a few bots). If you're upset that you couldn't make it, it has nothing to do with AFK' just means you're not very good at the arena.... |
He implies he knows about what afk'ers hit the board, and when, and which names on the board are bots, and which are AFKers, and which are actual human teams playing "for real". Too funny.
So, what, EVERY afk'er immediately reported each score to you upon completion, Hay-soos? you were the AFK/Botting ringleader, then?
I can show 4 times he stated that using this didnt, COULDNT make the scoreboard and didnt affect it at all. Now he says it did, but only a little, and only one time, right? riiiight.
As for incentive, what incentive does any player in a challenge mission have? what incentive did AA have to climb the guild ladder? Maybe they wanted thier name on the board?