Minipet yard sale


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

I've just returned after a couple of years and am looking to sell my accumulated minipets. I'd like to go by the prices of the minipet pricing guide in the Ventari's Corner stickies, but it's open for discussion ingame. They are all undedicated.

I can be contacted on Julia Swordslasher or Sadira Delgado, or leave your name in this thread and I'll attempt to contact you.

The minipets are as follows:

Hydra: 1k
Whiptail Devourer: 1k
Jungle Troll: 1k
Jade Armor: 1k
Mandragor Imp: 3k
Harpy Ranger: 5k
Mursaat: 5k
Roaring Ether: 5k
Cloudtouched Simian: 5k
Prince Rurik: 10k
Krait Neoss: 10k
Elf: 10k


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Ordo Lupi Albi [OLA]


Dude! I need the krait neoss. IGN Aryss Strife