Oni-blade req 8 caster oldschool, ded yeti.

Silver Ripper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010



as title says, caster modded +20% +5e

Oni Blade
s/b: 5e
c/o: 170e silver ripper
b/o: 240e

Ded Yeti
S/B - 180
C/O - ---
B/O - 210

reserve the right to sell i-g or not sell.

happy bidding!

ing: Silver Ripper

EDITED by Jenn: Merged your Sell thread into your High-end thread. Remember, High-end is only for items/packages that are 100k+. Sell is for items/packages less than 100k. The buy section is only for buying items/packages. You can ask fellow members on prices in our Price Check forum. You may edit and remove this message once you have read it. P.S. Just why do you have your own name listed as the current offer?

Silver Ripper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010



Boom ing is silver ripper

Silver Ripper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010



boom it up now