Originally Posted by MagmaRed
I have every hero on 10 characters, I have 1 storage character with 12 heros, and about 3 characters with 4-8 heroes (on 2 accounts). I have spent roughly 5k total on ALL of my heroes weapons, runes, and insignias. I have 4 characters with COMPLETELY outfitted heroes ('perfect' weapons, runes, and insignias), and few of my characters have heroes without at least average equipment.
If I thought it was actually hard to get things, I'd agree, but it is not. If you want to BUY things for your heroes, fine, but it is hardly needed.
superior vigor = 19k.
major vigor = 3k
seems pretty hard to believe.. finding 4-8 x 5x survivor's insignia = 4-8x 5 = 20-40 x 950g. you're obviously not having your heroes @ optimal.
anyways, yes: heroes are expensive.
what do you get in return?
probably 6 energy every 15 seconds for your necromancers (which everybody seems to use these days)
and not to forget, additional health.. my heroes all have around 590-630 health, meaning they can survive longer, meaning your healers have more time to catch up with spikes.
Gennadios said:I wouldn't let my heroes go un-runed, but just about any hero can be serviceably equipped with 1.5k worth of runes or so.
with a rune of major vigor being 3k and every survivor's insignia being 900-1k each from the rune trader.
yes, I would say heroes are expensive
X Ghoul said: I highly doubt heroes need expensive runes since mine have none and I was able to do guardian and vanquishing with h/h easily.
I'm also experiencing troubles believing this. I've done the
Borrguus Blisterbark bounty HM a couple of days ago, and he hit for +- 500 damage on me as a 60 armor target. that's an instant wipe if your party is unruned and near eachother.
now you will say: then learn to flag ur heroes nub. but your melee (minions) will always mob, and most of the time your casters will as well.
I don't like heroes being expensive, but adding a free gear for heroes system would make stuff way too easy, once you get your first team setup, you're free to farm stuff for your other heroes. also, once you've completed 1 campaign you should have made enough money to armor 3 heroes.
my calculations:
major vigor 3.1k x 1
rune of vigor 600g x 3
rune of minor primairy attribute 1-2k x 1
rune of minor attribute 100-1k
survivor insignia 950 x 5
3100+1800+1500+500+4750= 11650g
I agree, this can be seen as alot of money for players starting to do HM for the first time, but it's definately worth it. I use greens for my heroes as weapons, which are about 1-5k each (most about 2k) so those aren't that expensive as well.
I'd recomment you to get a main. I used to character swap alot between my monk, ranger, mesmer and paragon. now I've decided I'm GWAMM'ing on my mesmer, so I've removed all runes and equipment from the armors of the heroes on my other character, except for the basic Discord/Sabway runes, to occasionally play with them. didn't save me money since I'd already bought them, but it's basically recycling.
besides, most player run either
N/-Rt healer
N/-Rt-Mo Minion Master
N/Rt Curses Rt/* SoS Channeling rit.
this would cost approxiomately 30k to get, which can be achieved by simply playing the game.
now, If you like to play with other heroes, such as warriors, rangers etc. then it's gonna cost you alot more since you need to equip your basic setup (3x N) and those heroes.
I'd suggest greens, and UW farming.